I Think We Need To Bond

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I really shouldn't be surprised when I get startled away with the sound of loud banging on my door. Honestly, why not just tell us we're going to have these missions so we can just set alarms and not have to have a heart attack in the middle of the night. This can't possibly be good for my flight or fight response. Maybe that's the point. I already took note of how dark it was in the room before I turned to look at my clock; 2:34 a.m. Yup, sounds about right. Fucking typical. Mr. Solomon loves to wake us up between 2 and 3 a.m.. I rolled lazily out of bed and pulled open my room door. The bright light of the hallway nearly blinded me and I squinted, unable to see who was in front of me.

"Good morning Operative White." The deep male voice said. Hold up. This wasn't Tyler. I knew his voice. This wasn't Jesse's voice either. It was...

"Uncle Joey-... I mean, sorry, Mr. Solomon?" I asked, wiping the gunk from my eyes.

"Morning champ. Sorry for the rude awakening. Be downstairs in 10 minutes. Early morning Cov' Ops class." He replied, ruffling up my hair before walking away to wake the other girls.

"Ok?" I replied before closing the door. I wasn't really sure if that was a dream or not, until Jade rolled out of bed and fell on a bundle of comforters. My laughter woke me up completely.

"Great! Now that you're up you can get ready." I nodded over to Jade. "That goes for the rest of you." I dragged the sheets off my friends.

"Why?" They whined simultaneously.

"We have to be downstairs in 10 minutes. Mr. Solomon came to the door." I explained before walking to my closet to change. They soon followed my lead. We were downstairs in 6 minutes. It's a record I believe. We stood there groggily waiting for the others to arrive. I would genuinely kill for a coffee right now. Looking over at the stairs, I saw Tyler walking slowly in my direction with his friends. I smiled up at him as he got closer, but I don't think it registered. He approached with a dead, tired look on his face and a big yawn.

"It's way too early for this." I heard him mumble as he took his place next to me.

"What happened to 'I'm used to waking up early'?" I teased, looking up at him.

"Shut up!" He grumbled, shoving my face away from him causing me to laugh.

"Aw, somebody is being Mr. Grumpy Pants this morning." I cooed, poking him in the stomach.

"Shut up! I am not grumpy." He yawned, shifting away from me.

"Whatever makes you happy, babe." I smirked, with a giggle.

"Whatever. It's also too early to deal with you." He replied pushing me away from him. .

"Meany!" I stuck my tongue out at him. It caused him to laugh. He threw his hand over my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.

"I'm only kidding. Don't take it seriously, babe." He laughed, kissing the side of head. I'm sorry what? He just kissed me. He kissed me. I mean, just casually. As if he does it all the time. He kissed me. Not on the lips, but that... that side of the head kiss felt so much more intimate. Like he wasn't even thinking about it. Which, in all honesty, he probably wasn't. He is sleepy and tired and just didn't realize what he was doing. I kiss the top of my friends heads all the time. It was a platonic, side of the head kiss. It means nothing. Stop thinking about it.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. It was the only word I could formulate as my mind was still reeling from what just transpired. He pulled me closer to him.

"Now look at who's turning into Mrs. Grumpy Pants." He smirked down at me. He scrunched his nose at me and the mix between that and his dimples really sent me over the edge. He's such a cutie and I hate it. I rolled my eyes again in response, not saying anything. I didn't trust my mouth to say anything other than 'you kissed me' or 'you're really pretty' right now, so I just kept my mouth closed. Instead I wrapped my arms around his waist and allowed myself to get comfortable in his embrace. My eyes glanced around the crowd of students and I locked eyes over at Jesse. He raised a suggestive eyebrow over at me before glancing down at my arms around Tyler and then looking back up at me. I shook my head a little to kind of imply it was not a big deal.

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