This Is Not What I Call Staying Safe

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Every bone in my body screamed in pain as I startled awake. Sweat dripped down my face and I wiped it away. I clutched my chest as I tried to steady my breathing. Looking around I registered that I was not in a room I recognized. Fuck.

Did they get us? Whoever attacked us must've gotten us. Okay, assess your surroundings Ela. Small rays of light peeked through the closed, black blinds. As I sat up, I felt an excruciating pain in the left side of my body. I looked down and lifted up my shirt to reveal a bandage wrapped around my body. I pulled it up to see a huge blue and black bruise sitting on top of my ribs.

Well isn't that great? I pulled back down the bandage and continued my attempts to sit up. I felt like my head had a heartbeat of its own. I finally got into the sitting position. I examined the rest of my body and found multiple bruises and scrapes scattered everywhere. I don't even want to know what my face looks like. It's fine, it's fine. I just need to get a look out the window to figure out where I am. The people who took us probably still think I'm asleep, so that'll buy me some time to come up with a plan. I can probably use them for information about- I noise stopped my train of thought. Well not a noise, a voice, his voice. Tyler.

"Can I please just see her?" Tyler groaned. I have to be hallucinating.

"She's in a lot of pain right now." I heard Mr. Solomon say. Okay, probably not hallucinating.

"I get that, I do. It's not like I'm going to touch her. I just want to look at her. Make sure she's okay." Tyler replied. That was probably a lie. The sound of his voice instantly calmed me. Safe. I'm safe. I felt my fight or flight instinct melt away.

"I have a hard time believing that." Mr. Solomon scoffed and I could imagine him crossing his arms.

"Mr. Solomon, please! I have to see her!" Tyler replied, frustrated.

"She's probably not even awake. I'm sure you can wait until she's awake." Mr. Solomon answered sternly.

"It has been nearly 48 hours. I've waited this whole time, knowing she was hurt and I haven't seen her once! I haven't even seen with my own eyes that she's alive and breathing. You guys won't let me-... Fuck!" He let out an exaggerated groan before I could hear him pacing "Mr. Solomon, Joe... Please. I have to see her. Please, let me see her. If she's not awake I'll only be in there for 2 minutes. I just- I'm going crazy here. I feel like I can't breathe." Tyler begged.

If they won't let him come in, I'd go out there to him. I threw the covers off my body and started getting out of the bed. Everything hurts beyond words, but Tyler was standing just on the other side of that door and I'd be damned if I didn't go to him. I planted my feet firmly on the ground and slowly stood up. I had to grab the headboard to steady myself. My legs clearly weren't ready to withstand the full weight of my aching body. Okay, buck up Ela. Come on. You can do it. I took a couple steps forward and my body hated me for it. I didn't care.

"Nessa, help me out here." Tyler pleaded. Vanessa? What is going on? Who all is here?

"Look, I'm not gonna be the one who meets Ela's wrath when she finds out who prevented her boyfriend from coming in to see her." Vanessa replied and I wanted to laugh, but I knew that it would hurt.

"We're technically not official yet, but that's not the point. Totally not the point. Look, even Vanessa said I should be allowed to go in and I'm sure Ela's mom would say yes as soon as she gets back. So, you're out voted here." There was a pause in conversation and I was so close to the door that I could nearly reach out and touch it.

"Fine. You can go in, but..." Mr. Solomon started but was cut off.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" Tyler rushed out before the door opened. I stood in shock as Tyler's body filled the doorframe. A wide smile filled both of our faces. The look of relief on his face was palpable. I watched all the tension leave his body.

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