Chapter 1- A New Home

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Picture above is your new home


After a 4 hour plane ride plus 2 hours driving non stop in a cramped car to get to our new house I was dying to get away from my complaining sister and arguing parents. C/n(cats name) was sleeping peacefully on my lap unaware of the ciaos around her. Somehow I managed to fall asleep and when I woke up we were now passing a large plain sign that said welcome to Hurricane Valley. 

So this is Hurricane. I really wasn't impressed. I missed the large forests that I would spend hours exploring to get away from the people i'm forced to call family. This new town was so... uneventful. While looking out the window a family diner caught my eye. It was called Fredbear's  Family Diner. On the front door there was a poster advertising for a job as a day shift security guard. I'll have to remember that There was a group of teenagers wearing different animal masks standing outside on the front steps to the building. That was kinda odd but I didn't think too much of it. 

After what felt like ages, we finally arrived at our new home 30 minutes late because my parents had the bright idea of driving around our new town for a bit. The house wasn't as bad as I expected. Sure it wasn't like our old cabin back in Alaska but it wasn't horrible. It was two stories tall with white paint and green windows and doors. Since dad was head in the military he was quite rich. I'm pretty sure mother only married him for his money, speaking of which I could tell that mother was not as happy with our new house since she was expecting a larger more modern looking mansion for us to live in. 

I quickly jumped out of the car and rushed to grab my things. I never had that much stuff meaning unpacking will be easy. Mother always said that it was a waste of money to buy me things even tho she spoils s/n rotten. I rushed up the stairs of our new house to claim the best bedroom before s/n gets it. I decided to pick the bedroom on the left side of the hallway (our right in the pic). It was a nice, fairly large bedroom. I got changed into something more comfortable which was a dark grey sleeveless shirt, black shorts, and dark green converse. After quickly unpacking everything, I grabbed my skateboard and walkman and rushed down the steps making a beeline to the front door before mother could stop me.

Through the door window, I could see my father talking to a family who i'm guessing are the next door neighbors. There was a tall guy talking to my dad who was wearing a dark purple blazer, I couldn't see his face because his back was facing the door, a lady with blond hair and a kind smile holding the hand of a little boy wearing a black t shirt hugging a golden bear plushy, a little strawberry blond haired girl with a pink t shirt and blue skirt talking with my sister, and a tall messy haired boy. He was about my age. He was kinda cute- wait no he's a guy i'm a guy. Mother says I can't have thought like these about other guys. Shaking my head in an attempt to clear any previous thoughts of the boy.

Not really in the mood for talking, I tried to sneak past my dad before he could introduce me to these new people. 

603 Words

The kid next door Michael Afton x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now