Chapter 14- The Moment You've All Been Waiting For

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Y/N Pov

Another month has come and gone. It is now the second week of October and all the leaves have turned shades of reds, oranges, and yellows. The windowsill and ground was dusted in a light layer of frost. I was in my bedroom wrapped in a blanket listening to music through my Walkman as I waited for my cousin from my old town to arrive. He should be here in half an hour.

Finally I heard a knock on the door. I looked out my window and saw a new car parked in the driveway. It must be them. I was about to head downstairs but before I could even crawl out of bed, my door flew open. On the other side was Charlie, my cousin. (If your name is Charlie just pick another name). I was about to say something but was suffocated in a bone crushing hug before I could get anything out.

"I missed you so much dude, you don't understand how boring school has been after you moved"

I chuckled "Missed you too Charlie"

"So I've read your letters anddd, how are you and Michael? I need to hear all the details, don't leave anything out" Me and Charlie have been written back and forth ever since I moved so we don't lose connection. I've told them all about my crush and thankfully they were very supportive.

"Oh he's amazing, he's actually really sweet even though people say he's an emotionless bully"

"Seems to me that he's got a soft spot for you" Charlie ruffled my hair, causing it to fluff up. I was about to respond but suddenly there was a knock on my window. I turned to see what caused the sound simply thinking it was just the tree branch hitting against the glass. And that's what it was, well part of the reason. Sitting on the branch was none other than Michael Afton himself.

"Looks like someone's here to see you" I ignored Charlie's comment and went to open the window with a smile allowing Michael to hop inside. Once he was inside he smiled brightly, pulling me into a hug as he set foot in my room. I hugged him back sighing.

"Sorry I couldn't stand being away from you, and why is your window so high up?" He crossed his arms with a fake pout.

I chuckled, laying my temple against his shoulder. "you do know we have a front door right"?

"I never know whether your mother is home or not" He shrugs before finally noticing my cousin. "Who's that?" he said, pointing to Charlie.

"Charlie" He replayed, leaning on my shoulder with one arm once I broke away from Michael. "Me and Y/N have been best buds since we were kids"

"Oh" Michael said with a grim look on his face.

"Ohhhh" Charlie said guessing why Michael was so bitter. "Don't worry, Y/N is more like a little brother to me"

He hummed in response, seemingly lightening up a bit.

I sat back on my bed and Michael did the same, sitting behind me. However Charlie stayed standing up, looking out my window, studying the view. 

Michael yawned and stretched before laying his chin on my shoulder from behind. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me farther away from Charlie and closer to himself. Charlie noticed this and smirked. I flipped him off before leaning into Michael's chest.

"I'm sleepy" Michael said.

"Me too" I admitted.

"Well, you two lovebirds can take a nap" Charlie said while beginning to move towards the door. "I'm gonna go downstairs and have boring conversations with the adults."

"WE'RE JUST FRIENDS" I yell after him before he left.

"STOP BEING IN DENIAL AND DATE ALREADY" Charlie shot back, matching my energy.

"MAYBE WE WILL" I slapped my hand over my mouth after I realized what I said. I didn't mean to say that out loud. Charlie smirked and turned on his heels and walked out with a smug look, closing the door after him. My face was blood red. Michael pulled away, just as flustered as I was, if not more.

"What did you- what did you mean by that?" No mater how tired we once were, we were definitely wide awake now. As I turned around to face him the first thing I noticed was how much emotion was in his stunning blue eyes; shock, amazement, hope even.

"I-uh I didn't-say... that's not what I..." I stumbled over my words, unable to form even the most basic of sentences. Oh God why did I say that, WHY DID I SAY THAT? he's probably thinking i'm a total weirdo! Oh God!

Now the moment you've all been waiting for (3rd person)

Michael gently took hold of your chin between his thumb and index finger. He leaned in closer, staring at you in what can only describe pure admiration, studying every little detail, fawning over each imperfection. You made no attempt to pull away. Your heart raced as he leaned in even closer, your lips now only inches apart. You were tired of waiting so long for this to happen so before anyone can interrupt once more, you finally closed the gap between you and your beloved friend.

With a gentle, loving smile, he leans down and captures you in a tender kiss, pouring all his affection and longing for you. His fingers on his left hand tangle in your hair, his other hand wrapping protectively around your waist, holding you close as he expresses his love through that simple kiss.

Unfortunately, we both had to pull apart for air.

"God I love you so much" Michael gently played with a strand of my hair as he looked me lovingly in the eyes. His blue eyes reflecting the love he has inside.

"You... You love me? Really" A large grin broke across my face as I heard his sweet words.

"Yes I love you, you idiot, was that not obvious?"

Word Count- 1021

EEEEEEEEЕ it took weeks to finish this but y'all finally got what y'all wanted :DD It took longer then expected to finish this because I procrastinate a lot and I had to study for my exams. (also I graduated from Jr. high last week)

Hope everyone is doing wonderfully

Have some spaghetti 🍝

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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