Chapter 11- If Only I Could Kiss You

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Y/N Pov

I awoke to the feeling of pleasant warmth against me. I attempted to move but found I was held in place by a dead weight. I opened my eyes and saw that Michael lay peacefully on top of me, his head resting gently on my chest. Blood rushed to my face, painting my skin in a deep red. I felt Michael stir in his sleep before waking up. He looked at me through half lidded eyes. They widened when he noticed the position we were in. He jumped up covering his now red face. 

"I'm sorry, i'm so so sorry."

"It's fine, I didn't mind" I stretched my back, my spine popping as I did so.

"Mother is probably making breakfast, we should head downstairs."

I nodded in response and got up, following Michael downstairs. Elizabeth and Evan sat on the floor in front of the TV watching some cartoon. I peeked at the screen and saw it was Scooby Doo. Michael sat on the couch and I happily sat next to him. Elizabeth turned away from the screen smiling at me.

"Hello Y/N! sleep well?"

"Yeah I did, what about you?"

"Very good"

"Mh good" I replied.

I felt Michael scoot a bit closer. I smiled slightly doing the same to him. He was warm, a nice contrast to the fairly cold room. I reached up to his soft brown hair, ruffling it playfully. He blushed slightly and returned the gesture. Elizabeth smiled at the two of us.

"Are you sure you two are not dating?"

Michael glared at her "YEAH. I'm sure"

She giggled to herself and turned around, facing the TV again. Michael's face was dusted in a deep red. I smiled gently. He looked away, letting his hair fall in front of his face. My smile faded. I placed a hand on his shoulder, speaking softly, "are you okay?"

"Y-yeah", Michael stammered out. "I-I'm fine"

"You sure?"

"Yeah" He glanced at you, his face still dusted in a light blush. I was concerned. This was way out of Michael's usual personality but he obviously doesn't want to talk about it now so I dropped it.

"Elizabeth, boys, breakfast is ready" William called from the kitchen.

"Okay, coming!" Elizabeth said, standing up. Evan followed her into the dining room. Me and Michael did the same. We sat at the table, me on Michael's left and Elizabeth and Even across from me like the previous times we've dinned together. I took a bite out of my food. It was absolutely amazing. I continued eating.

"Hey Lizzie" Michael said "what's that?" He pointed somewhere to her left. As she turned her head, Michael snatched some of her food right off her plate and tossed it into his mouth.

"Michael" Clara spoke in a soft but stern tone "Stop that"

Elizabeth turned to Michael, down to her plate, then back at Michael again. She glared at him. "Hey!"

Michael smirked, sticking his tongue out at her. I playfully punched his shoulder. He let out an "ow" and placed his hand over the spot where I had punched him. He looked at me with a fake offended expression and puppy eyes before silently chuckling. The two of us finished eating and went back upstairs to his room.

"So N/N, I have something to give you" Michael said smiling nervously before reaching down into a drawer on his table. In that drawer he pulled out a wood carving of a fox. He handed you the little fox and that's when you noticed it was probably hand carved from none other than Michael himself. It was carved with such detail and carefulness.

"Wow" I was truly at a loss for words, simply marveling at the wooden fox.

"D-do you like it?" Michael asked, patiently awaiting my answer.

"Yeah. Yeah I do, Michael this is amazing thank you"

Michael smiled brightly. The light coming from his window hit his face in a certain way. He looked gorgeous, almost angelic. He always looked so beautiful in natural lighting. I felt myself begin to lean in closer. I half wanted to stop but my body wouldn't allow it. Michael seemed to notice this and he began to do the same. Our faces were mere centimeters apart, our lips brushing, but that's when I heard behind us the sound of a feminine high pitch voice.

"Ohhh~" she sang "I'm gonna tell daddy you're trying to kiss a bo-"

Michael quickly broke away and gently pushed past me, placing a hand over Elizabeth's mouth before she could finish.

"SHHHH! do you want Y/N to be able to come over again?"

"Hmhm" she nodded.

"Then hush! Father can't find out about this, no one can find out about this"

Elizabeth hesitated for a second, looking at me then back at her brother's pleading expression. She rolled her eyes and pushed his hand off her mouth.

"Not even Mother?"

"No not even her.... not yet. If she's gonna know it's because I'll tell her. By me okay, not you. Don't tell anyone."

"Okay" she said, exasperated.

"Now please, GET. OUT. OF. MY. ROOM!" Michael growled, pushing her out of the room, shutting the door behind her. He stood up straighter, covering his face. "Oh god, Father's gonna kill me..."

I walked up to him, placing an arm around him "H-hey-" My voice cracked. I cleared my throat and tried again. "Hey, it's going to be okay."

Michael glanced at me past his hands. He leaned into my touch. He moved his hands away from his face, wrapping his arms around me. He buried his face into the crook of my neck. "You sure?" his voice slightly muffled by my neck.

"Yeah, i'm sure."

I glanced at the clock, 10:23 a.m.

"I should probably head home now"

"Yeah...." Michael said although he didn't let go for a few more seconds.

"I've got some clothes you can wear, I don't mind"

"Alright, thank you"

Michael went over to his closet and pulled out a pair of blue jeans and a simple black t-shirt, handing them to me. They looked a lot like the clothes from my wardrobe so no one would probably question me. I pulled my shirt off, changing into the clothes he gave me. Michael's face went blood red but he couldn't tear his eyes away. I laughed at his reaction. I slid into the jeans. His shirt was a bit small, perfectly hugging my chest and abdomen but the pants were very comfortable. Michael got changed into a similar outfit, his shirt being white and spotless with similar pants to mine. I walked back down the steps with Michael following closely. He was slightly disappointed that I had to leave so soon but unfortunately I couldn't stay here forever.

Word count- 1154

The motivation left me and I don't know when the next chapter will come out but hopefully soon. I have ideas for the future but I don't want to move too fast like bam y'all dating, I need at least one or two more chapters before Michael and you confess. If anyone has any ideas please please comment or dm.

Have some ice cream, courtesy of Elizabeth🍦

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