Chapter 9- Nightmares

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Everyday is the same. Always getting yelled at by my mother on something I didn't even do. Today was no different. Just deciding to completely ignore her, I ran up the stairs to my bedroom as per usual. Quickly closing the door so I couldn't hear anymore of her screams.

I flopped down on my soft bed, my cat instantly laying down next to me. Now that I was back in the comfort of my safe space I realized today wasn't too horrible. The tiredness finally took control over me and I fell asleep right then and there not even bothering changing out if my work clothes. I close my eye.

I woke up. The house was dead silent. Not even the sounds of the late night trafic could be heard. Nothing. It wasn't even that late out so this amount of stillness was uncanny. Just me and my thoughts. It would've been very calming if not for the fact of the unwavering feeling of being watched. I looked out the window. No people, no cars, no lights. Not even the Afton house had a light through the window. Nothing. I crawled back under my sheets, realizing C/N was gone. That silly cat probably went on one of their nighttime hunts.

From the other side of my bedroom door I heard scratches. Think that was C/N I went to open it but something inside of me was warning me not to go. The scratches grew louder. Whatever was out there clearly wanted in. It was very dark out, a thick cloud covering the moon, which was the only source of light. The clock from the hall continued to tick on and once the clock struck 4, as if on que, a deformed mass if metal, teeth and claws launched across the room and towards my face at record speed.

I jolted awake, drenched in a cold sweat. It was all a dream. A stupid, stupid fucking dream. I felt like a little kid having a classic nightmare after reading to many horror comics. I felt so pathetic. I was teenager, not a baby. Why did it feel so real? Like a hallucination almost. It was only a childish dream of those stupid animatronics though. Probably caused by being around them all day and the stress of the first day on the job.

C/N was still sleeping peacefully, reminding me all was well. Looking at my alarm clock I saw that it was already 5 in the morning. Guess there's no point in trying to get back to sleep. Even though I was wide awake, my body still wanted to be wrapped up in the warm blankets. After finally winning the debate of getting up rather then sleeping in, I silently slipped out of my room, creeping down the stairs toward the kitchen. Everyone was still asleep so I got the whole kitchen and dining room to myself. The new house still felt weird to me and it took awhile to find where father hid the cereal but once I got it I figured today would be a good day to eat in the porch. Getting out of that tense house will be good to calm my nerves. The sun was rising over the horizon, casting a gentle pinkish orange glow over the housed. The fresh dew covering the grass. Father really did pick out a beautiful neighborhood in this drab house. My hair was messy, my uniform was wrinkle and my eyes had dark bags due to the rough sleep. I looked and felt like shit but no one was awake to see me in this state so that's reassuring. Well all but one.

On the other side of the street, Michael sat on his own porch, smoking a cigarette. The light grew smoke blowing softly up to the sky. The golden glow of the new sun really brought out his strong jawline and made his hair look so thick and healthy. The light catching in his eyes making his blue eyes shine bright like crystal clear lake.

I subconsciously fixed my hair and tried to smoothen out my shirt as best as possible. Wait, when did I start caring so much about how others saw me? Normally I don't give a shit on how people perceive me. I can't possibly have a crush on him can I? We only just meet. I can't possibly like Michael now can I?

He looked up. We locked eye contact. I light blush dusted my cheeks as I quickly looking away, turning my attention back to my now empty cereal bowl. Yep. New crush unlocked.

Michael's POV

Ugh. Father's mad at me again because I was out all night. I can't deal with this right now. I grabbed my box of cigarettes from my drawer and walked outside, ignoring my father's bickering. The sun was just barely out. Nothing interesting ever happens in this town. Maybe I'll go to the skatepark today. Maybe Y/N would like to come with. I could give him a tour or we could simply spend time together, just getting to know each other. That'll be nice too. He's so pretty.

I looked up. Y/N was sitting on his porch, a bowl placed on his lap. His hair looked so fluffy and soft. His skin was so clear, all but the eye bags. It looked like he barely sleep. I hope he's alright. I've seen the his parents are quite shitty. I hope they're not giving him too much trouble.

He looked at me. Butterflies exploded in my stomach. His beautiful e/c eyes looking back at my boring blue eyes. The sun casting a gentle pink hue over his cheeks. Cute. I'll have to ask him if he wants to hang out later today. Not a date or anything. Yeah just hanging out. God he's so fine.

Word count- 1040

I'm sooo sorry that I barely posted in months. I've been very busy lately. I hope this story didn't lose interest and people gave up. Everyone please take care and to eat, drink water and get sleep. Remember wrists are for bracelets not for cutting.
Here have some chocolate 🍫:)

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