Chapter 6- Good Morning

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I woke up to something poking my side. Slowly opening my eyes I half expected to see my beloved cat but instead I was meet face to face with a certain redhead.

"Morning Elizabeth" I muttered, my voice a whole lot deeper then normal due to just walking up seconds ago.

"Good morning Y/N" Elizabeth replied. She was clearly a morning person unlike me. I could easily tell by the energy and excitement for the day radiating off her even though it was only 7:30.

I slowly sat up still very tired and that's when I realized that Michael was sitting on the opposite side of the couch. He was wearing a black ACDC sleeveless shirt and his hair was messer then normal. I can't deny that he looked really adorable like that. Compared to him I must look like shit right now. Michael smiled and leaned towards me chuckling lightly while gently fixing my hair for me as if he read my mind. He bent forward more so he was really close to my right ear. You look fine don't worry~. He said it in that hot voice of his which made me blush madly. He chuckled again leaning back in his sitting position he was originally in when I first woke up. Elizabeth was starring at us with confusion displayed in her eyes.

After a few minutes of silence Michael stood up, stretched, and grabbed my hand leading me towards the dinner table where breakfast was already layed out. We both sat down next to each other but Michael didn't let go of my hand. I wasn't going to complain anytime soon, but sadly he did let go so he could serve himself some breakfast. Infront of us Elizabeth climbed into a seat beside Evan. Evan was already eating and he had that little golden bear he seems to take everywhere he goes tucked neatly under his left arm. William was reading the daily newspaper and Clara was in the kitchen making herself a cup of fresh tea.

All of this was still very new to me. I never had a meal where everyone sits at the table without any awkward silence or someone yelling or being yelled at. Eating was peaceful for once. It felt really nice.

As I was eating I felt someone starring intently at me and when I turned my head I was might with those gorgeous ocean blue eyes.

Michael was sitting very close to my face and once he noticed the blush on my face he smirked proudly and pulled away.

William was giving Michael side eyes and I snickered at William's reaction.

After we all finished eating it was unfortunately the time where I had to go back to that hell hole of a home. Elizabeth tightly hugged my legs. (I don't remember if I said this already but you're 5'6 and Michael is 5'8)

"Do you really have to go?" She said looking up at me with a tint of sadness in her voice.

I smiled softly at her knowing that if I did have a choice I would without a doubt, pick to live with the Afton's from now on but it unfortunately isn't possible unless my parents decided to disown me and the Afton's adopt me.

"Sadly yes but I'll vist you you guys soon so don't worry"

At this Elizabeth seemed to lighting up and pull away from hugging my leg. Evan lightly tugged on the hem of my shirt to get my attention and spread out his arms asking wordlessly for a hug which I gave him.

"Does this mean I get a hug to"

Michael said once again standing very close to me but this time with an arm around my shoulders. I probably would've thought he was joking if I didn't see the look in his eyes. Knowing that he wasn't just joking and actually wanted a hug I gave it to him tightly wrapping my arms around his torso but pulled away quickly so it didn't turn out weird and awkward.

I left the Afton's home waving to them as I crossed the empty road while they waved back at me. By the time I got to my front door my hands where slightly shaking caused by the sudden anxiety I was currently feeling. I looked back one last time and saw that Michael was still standing it the middle of his porch, staring gently at me. I came to the conclusion that I did have feelings for him and I wasn't ashamed of it. Turning my attention back to my front door I lifted my now shaking hand to knock on the door but before my hand could even touch the door it was slammed dramatically open with my angry mother on the other side glaring at me.

She roughly grabbed my shirts collar a pulled me harshly into my house.

I could still feel Michael's gaze but I silently prayed that he didn't notice anything. He still doesn't know about my abusive parent(s) and the last thing I want is for him to worry about me.

934 words

The next chapter will be about your new job but does anyone have any ideas for the upcoming chapters? Ideas are very much welcome :)
Hope y'all have a good day/afternoon/night
Have some popcorn 🍿

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