Chapter 11- Head Over Heels

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Most of this chapter would be in Michael's Pov. It takes place a week after the previous chapter.

Quick AN on Michael's friends-

Jeremy- Freddy mask, dark blonde wavy hair, lightly tanned skin with freckles, 5'4, pan sexual, single because he hasn't found the right person, surfer boy/golden retriever vibes

Anissa- Chica mask, dark brown thick hair, dark skin, 5'6, lesbian, in a relationship, slightly gothic aesthetic

Mark- Bonnie mask, black short straight hair, deep tanned skin, 5'10, acts homo but swears he's straight, in a relationship, horny and flirty personality

Michael- Foxy mask, gay but in denial, you already know Michael's looks and personality 

Also none of their looks and personalities are canon, I just made this up based on the fanart.

Their seating arrangement at their table is Anissa sitting on Michael's right, Jeremy across from Michael, Mark sitting on Jeremy's left and across from Anissa.

Michael's Pov

I was sitting at one of the tables at my father's pizzeria with my friends. My chin resting on my hands as I started at Y/N who was leaning against a wall by the stage in his security uniform. A voice finally broke me out of my trance.

"Damn dude, you really fell hard for him didn't you" It was Jeremy.

"What no I was just looking at the animatronics" I tried defending myself. Sure my friends were already well aware of my crush but I still felt the need to lie.

"Bullshit" It was Anissa. "You're acting just like when Mark was in love with that girl on the cheer squad. You have been staring at Y/N for 8 minutes now and don't try acting like I didn't see you two holding hands last week".

"It's true bro, you look like you want to fuck him so bad" Of course that was said from Mark. I quickly gave him a slap on the back of the head shutting him up real quick.

"Shut up, it's only a crush, it'll probably pass. And I don't want to fuck him!"

"Yes. You. Do" I was surprised when all 3 of them said that at the same time.

"Wha-? why would you guys even think that" My face was completely covered in a blush.

"Remember that sleepover we had at my place two days ago?" It was Anissa's turn to speak.

"Yeah, why?"



"You we're spooning a pillow the entire time you were asleep while mumbling Y/N's name" Jeremy explained.

"So? That doesn't mean anything."

"Sure and I guess you also saying "harder" and "faster" doesn't mean anything either."

As soon as those words left Mark's mouth, my face snapped in his direction, looking between the three of them with a shocked expression and my blush darkened considerably, desperately trying to find out if they where joking or not.

"WHAT!" I said that a bit too loud because Y/N gaze turned to look at me with a confused look from across the dinner and a few parents scoffed at my sudden outburst.

"You're just mad you don't remember your dream" I really wanted to smack that stupid smug grin off Mark's face.

"Did I really say that?"

All of them nodded.

I slumped forward allowing my forehead to slam onto the table.

I felt a gentle pat on my left shoulder.

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