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Well, it wasn't him getting his name called, more like someone just yelling, 'Hey you' multiple times. That someone is Lee Minho-the most popular guy at school. Jisung finally turned around and stared at him with a straight face. "What do you want, Minho? I kinda have somewhere to be." Jisung sighed, looking at Minho with an annoyed expression. Minho seemed shocked and very pissed off by how Jisung spoke to him. "I don't know who you think you are, but I'm older than you, so watch your tone," Minho stated, clearly very pissed off at Jisung. Jisung scoffed and turned around to leave. Minho quickly grabbed his arm to stop him from leaving so he could finish what he needed to say. "Okay, listen to me. Uhm, Chan told me he wanted me to apologize for being in your way. I was standing where people walk, so it's my fault you bumped into me. Sorry." Minho quickly spoke before letting go of Jisung.

"You're apology is not forgiven. Maybe if you were doing it because you felt I needed it, I'd accept it, but you're doing it because someone told you to." Jisung turned around and finally got out of the door. He sighed in relief and began walking to his sisters' house. On the way to Ryujin's house, he spotted a small store where he could get some snacks. When he opened the door, he spotted someone familiar, Sunoos older brother, Seungmin, working at the register. Jisung smiled and waved at him, and he smiled back. Jisung then quickly went to grab Taehyuns favorite snack along with some other snacks and headed to the register. "Hey Seungmin, how are you?" Jisung questioned, the smile never leaving his face. "Oh, I'm fine, thank you, and you? Sunoo has been talking about you a lot. He always says how much he misses you." Seungmin said, scanning the stuff Jisung had picked out for his siblings. Jisung giggled and responded to the question before paying and grabbing the bag. They bid each other goodbye as Jisung left the store.

Jisung was about to reach his sisters' driveway when he saw someone familiar walking across the street. Jisung immediately walked to his sister's door and knocked, not wanting any contact with the person across the street. Who is that person? Well, the one and only Lee Minho. Jisung glanced back and saw Minho looking at him with a sad smile. Jisung felt terrible for what happened earlier, but he knew very well Minho didn't mean it. He didn't know if he meant it but assumed he didn't. Jisung let a sigh escape as he turned around and faced Minho. He looked at Minho's sad smile and felt his heart shatter. "Come here, Minho, let's talk," Jisung yelled at Minho, who was still across the street. Minhos smile seemed less sad when he heard Jisung call to him. Minho quickly looked both ways, then ran across the street once he saw it was clear.

"Hey, look, I'm sorry for being rude earlier. I just didn't want to talk to you at that moment. I wanted to see my siblings for the first time in forever." Jisung said with an apologetic smile. Minho looked at him and smiled brightly. "You're all good. I meant my apology Jisung. I promise it wasn't just because Chan told me to apologize." Minho said with his head down. Jisung smiled at Minho and quickly turned to the door Taehyun opened. Jisung took Minhos hand in his own and led him to the door. "Hey, Tae! I bought you a snack at the store, and there are a few others inside if you want them. Who's here? It doesn't sound like just you and Ryujin." Jisung said, handing Taehyun the bag and leading Minho inside. Jisung let go of Minho's hand when he heard three people running down the stairs. Sunoo, Ni-Ki, and Jungwon. Jisung quickly held his arms open for his younger friends to hug him.

"Oh my goodness, I missed you guys so much! Where are the other two?" Jisung said once the three let him go. Sunoo looked up the stairs as Jeongin and Kai ran down. Jisung wasn't close to Kai, but he knew Jeongin very well. He quickly hugged them when they reached the bottom of the stairs. Minho chuckled at the scene of Jisung with high schoolers. Minho jumped a bit when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw someone, who he assumed was Taehyun looking at him with a death glare. "Who are you? What do you want with Jisung? What's your relationship with him? Tell me, or I'll knock you out and tie you to a chair until you do." Taehyun threatened, and surprisingly enough, he scared Minho. Minho never thought he'd be scared by a 16-year-old threatening him, but here he is.

Jisung giggled and walked over to Minho and Taehyun. "Taehyun, calm down. His name is Minho! He's my friend, kind of? I'll explain later, but please be nice to him." Jisung looked at Taehyun with puppy eyes and a pouty lip, which Minho found cute. Taehyun scoffed and agreed to be nice even though he was unsure of Minho. Jisung smiled and walked to the kitchen to put the snacks on the counter while Minho followed. Jisung spotted Ryujin and Yeji talking to each other and ran to hug them. Yeji quickly went to hug him back, as well as Ryujin. They broke the hug and smiled at each other. None of them noticed Minho standing there awkwardly. Yeji spotted him a second later and looked shocked. "I'm calling Hyunjin. This is too much!" Yeji dramatically stated, pulling out her phone and dialing Hyunjins number. Minhos face dropped because he told Hyunjin he would be In their dorm. Minho got unlucky because Hyunjin picked up right away.

☆988 words☆
a/n: I'm really bad at this, but, like idc

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