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You think I'm pretty without any makeup on.

Jisung woke up and looked toward Felix's bed, where Minho had slept but saw no sign of Minho. Jisung slowly got up and left the room for a glass of water. He saw Minho with Felix and Hyunjin in the kitchen. Jisung was about to join them, but he remembered he had no makeup on. Jisung turned around and went to the bathroom to do his makeup. He then went to his room to find something to wear because he had to attend class later. He leaves the room and sees the three boys sitting on the couch. He thinks about joining them but feels like he shouldn't. He didn't know why he felt super insecure, but he did, even around his best friend. Jisung walked to the kitchen for a drink. He attempted to grab a glass from the cabinet but dropped it. "FUCK" Jisung yelled as he tried to pick up the glass with his bare hands. Minho shot up from his seat and went to see what had happened. When he walked into the kitchen, he saw Jisung with a bloody hand and glass all over the floor.

"Holy shit. Are you okay?" Minho asked, carefully going to help Jisung with his hand.  Jisung pulled his hand away and stood up. Tears were visible in his eyes, and a piece of glass stuck in his hand. "Fuck you, leave me alone. I can do this myself," Jisung said. His words hurt Minho more than Jisung knew. Minho said nothing in response. He just stood up and walked away. Jisung stared at the floor, tears filling his eyes. He knew he fucked up, but he couldn't bring himself to talk to Minho. Jisung walked to the bathroom and pulled out tweezers and bandages. He pulled the piece of glass out of his hand and wrapped it right after. He walked out of the bathroom and went to the door to leave. Before he opened the door, he looked back at Minho and frowned. He brought attention back to the door after he made eye care with Minho. He opened the door and walked out without a word.

Time skip to class

Jisung went to walk to his seat but stopped when he saw Chan and Changbin sitting down where he usually does. He sighed and sat down next to them, still not saying anything. He was scared to say something. Chan noticed it and didn't push him to say anything. Jisung was feeling worse about himself. At first, it was just his face without makeup, but now everything about him made him feel sick. He wanted to run away. He wanted to go anywhere but home. He didn't have a home. Jisung was at the point where he was about to throw up. Every thought in his head made him sick. He stood up and ran to the school bathroom, throwing up when he reached the toilet. Chan and Changbin ran after him, concerned for Jisung. The duo walked into the bathroom and looked at Jisung. He was crying on the floor, throwing up now and then. Changbin sat down with Jisung and began to pat his back while Chan went to get Felix.

"Chan. Where the fuck is sungie?" Beomgyu asked in an angry tone. Jisung and Beomgyu were close, closer than Felix and Jisung. They just knew each other longer. Chan sighed and looked at Beomgyu. "Look, I would tell you, but I need to go fi-" Chan was cut off by Felix walking next to Beomgyu. Beomgyu raised his brow and looked at Chan. Chan sighed and led them to the bathroom that Jisung was in. Felix immediately started to cry. Beomgyu just looked emotionless when he saw Jisung. Gyu was the only person who knew why Jisung threw up like this, why Jisung would cry so much, Why Jisung wouldn't talk. He knew Jisung, and Beomgyu knew he needed to find the person who hurt Jisung like this.

☆672 words☆

A/n: it's a shorter chapter! It's okay, tho. At least it's something, lol

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