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Beomgyu was pissed as he sat with Felix and Jisung in the infirmary. Jisung was on a bed with a trashcan next to him just in case he threw up. He still wouldn't talk much. Not even to his best friends. With Jisung, he feels like If he fuckes up one thing. Then he'll fuck up the rest. Beomgyu knew Jisung felt he fucked something up, but Jisung wouldn't tell him what. He had one other option, and usually, he wouldn't do this because he could convince Jisung to talk, but this time, Jisung wouldn't speak no matter how hard Gyu tried. Beomgyu left the infirmary and found his way to Yeonjun and his friends. He suddenly stopped when he heard them talking about Jisung. He heard Minho say something that would hurt Jisung if he heard it, which set him off. "Shut the fuck up, Lee fuckin Minho," Beomgyu shouted, making the entire group look at him.

"Excuse me, what? Who do you think you are? Just because you're Yeonjun's little bitch doesn't mean you can talk to me like that." Minho stated, looking more pissed than ever. Yeonjun and Soobin quickly went to defend Beomgyu but stopped when Beomgyu looked at them. Felix was watching from afar with Jisung. "Beomgyu just shut the fuck up for once. You and your little friends are so annoying. What Minho said about Jisung was true. He's a whiney little bitch. Just like all your other friends." Hyunjin scoffed, looking at Beomgyu. He was smirking until he saw Felix walking up to the group. Felix walked straight to Hyunjin and slapped him across the face. "Let's break up, Hwang Hyunjin. You don't get to say shit like that to MY friends." Felix yelled at Hyunjin and then went to stand by Beomgyu.

Jisung felt sick all over again. They were fighting because of him. He looked at the people before him and made eye contact with one person. Minho. Minho looked broken when he saw Jisung. Jisung seemed so sick and heartbroken. Beomgyu looked at Minho and noticed him staring sadly at someone. Beomgyu looked in the direction Minho was looking in and saw Jisung. Beomgyu looked back at the ground of people arguing and decided it was enough. "Shut up, all of you. Just fucking stop. You're all annoying. Now Minho, Felix, Hyujin, and Yeonjun come with me. It's not a choice." Beomgyu walked to Jisung with the people he wanted following behind him. Beomgyu hugged Jisung as soon as he was close enough. Jisung broke down in tears when he felt Beomgyu hug him.

"Shh, Sungie, are you okay? What did you hear?" Beomgyu spoke gently to Jisung. Jisung looked up at Minho and let go of Beomgyu. Hyunjin knew almost immediately what he had done. He lost his boyfriend and ruined a just-starting friendship. He felt guilty for it. "Is that really what you think of me? Do you think I'm just some whiney bitch?" Jisung questioned. He sounded broken and sad. Minho shook his head and pulled Jisung in for a hug. Minho started crying. He felt his whole world crushed when he saw Jisung standing there. Jisung slowly rubbed Minho's back in hopes of making him stop crying. Felix smiled at the two hugging, but his smile immediately dropped when Hyunjin tried to talk.

"Felix baby, I'm sorry. I was just trying to defend Minho because he's my best friend. I didn't mean to hurt you," Hyunjin spoke softly. Felix looked at Hyunjin with a straight face. Beomgyu scoffed and pushed them together. Felix immediately kissed Hyunjin with tears streaming down his face, and Hyunjin happily kissed back. Beomgyu and Yeonjun stood next to each other and smiled. "Hey, Beomgyu? I want to apologize for what I said to you earlier. I was pissed off and wasn't thinking straight." Minho stated while hiding his face in Jisung's neck. Beomgyu hummed and smiled, happy he got an apology.

Minho placed a kiss on Jisung's neck, catching Jisung off guard. Jisung looked at Minho with a shocked look on his face while Minho was laughing at Jisung's face. "Minho, what the hell?" Jisung whispered. Minho shrugged and let go of Jisung. Minho knew they had met a day ago, but he couldn't help but feel something for Jisung. He didn't think he would develop feelings that fast, but the time he spent with Jisung made him fall deeper in love. Jisung, on the other hand, was confused. He had never felt love from anyone besides his siblings, and he hadn't been in love in a long time. Jisung couldn't help but feel something for Minho as well. Jisung felt terrible for falling in love with a man he just started talking to. He felt awful because his ex was watching them silently.

☆804 words☆
A/n: Who do you think his ex is?!?!?!?!?! 🤭 Fun fact: most chapters are done-

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