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My heart stops when you look at me.

Minho was happy, to say the least. He was happy he got his Jisung back. They weren't completely back to normal, but Minho didn't lose Jisung. Felix and Hyunjin were still on bad terms, even though you could very clearly tell that Felix still loved him. Hyunjin was trying everything to get better FOR Felix. He wanted Felix to notice the changes that were happening. He dyed his hair, changed his style, changed his friends; all in hope of Felix coming back.

Minho watched Hyunjin's every move. How he would push past Minho, how he would sit alone at lunch. Every little thing Hyunjin did, Minho had his eyes on. Felix did too, he had an angry look on his face when he saw Hyunjin. He was just being dramatic though. Everyone knew he was concerned. His happy joyful Hyunjin was no longer himself. The only person Hyunjin would talk to was Jisung. Jisung sometimes ate with him when he was alone.

"Hyung you're going to have to talk to the others eventually..." Hyunjin just nodded in response. He was scared that they wouldn't like him. Suddenly Felix plopped down next to Hyunjin. He wrapped his arm around Hyunjin's neck and just held him. It only took Minho knocking so sense into Felix for this to happen. Jisung was proud of his best friend. He was glad that he wasn't holding a grudge anymore.

"Hyunjin baby... I'm so sorry for acting the way I did! I was scared of losing my best friend... When you told me that you said things to him I acted out of fear. I have been friends with Ji for years. He is the last person I want to lose." Felix explained. Hyunjin didn't care much about the explanation, he was just glad he got his boyfriend back. It took a while and a lot of convincing from Jisung. In the end, it all worked out for them. Hyunjin still wouldn't talk to anyone else besides Jisung, and now Felix. It was going to take time for him to trust himself enough to talk to them.

Minho missed his best friend a lot. Hyunjin used to be the person he would share everything with. He used to be the person he'd spend all his time with. They used to practice together for competitions. The two of them were hard to separate. People would always find them together, so when they started seeing them not spending time together it was weird. Hyunjin started spending time with the 'weird kids.' They found Hyunjin with Jisung and Felix all the time. Jisung still spent time with his boyfriend, because he loved him. He comforted his boyfriend whenever he cried about missing his best friend. He explained to Minho that he just needed time.

"Ji I have given him so much time and space. I sit from afar watching you two sit alone at lunch talking about who knows what. You don't sit with me anymore because of him. Now, I'm not blaming him. I know he's going through his shit. I just fucking miss him Jisung. I miss his dumb jokes. I miss his dramatic ass so much. I just want to be able to sit with my best friend and my boyfriend again. I don't get why he is so afraid of me when the only thing I want to do is tell him how much I need him." Minho sobbed into Jisung's chest. He missed Hyunjin a lot.

Just one touch and baby I'll believe.

597 words!!

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