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Before you met me, yeah, I was alright.

Jisung was currently panicking, thinking about Felix coming home. He was too panicked to notice Minho already sat down. Minho was staring at the TV that wasn't even on. He didn't want to say anything because Jisung already looked stressed enough. Before he knew it, Felix came barging into the dorm, making the two on the couch jump. Hyunjin slowly enters after Felix. If Minho wasn't confused over Felix barging in, he was indeed confused over Hyunjin being there. Minho raised his eyebrow and stared at Hyunjin, receiving a shrug. Jisung closed his eyes, trying to ignore what was happening around him. Felix engulfed Jisung in a tight, caring hug, causing Jisung to break down. Jisung and Felix were in their world. Jisung sobbed, and Felix petted his head, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. Minho and Hyunjin would be lying if they said they weren't jealous. Seeing the people they love the most being so close and touchy with each other made their blood boil. But were they going to break up a sobbing Jisung from his best friend? Hell no. They knew Jisung needed Felix the most.

It broke Minho's heart knowing that Jisung didn't feel comfortable crying to him. He had texted Felix and didn't go to Minho. That hurt Minho a lot. He wanted nothing more than to leave right now. Hyunjin was used to this, though he knew how Felix was with Jisung, but he couldn't help the jealousy. Minho had enough and just stood up and left. He was leaving behind a very confused Hyunjin and Felix looking at him. Ignoring what just happened, Felix looked at Hyunjin and nodded at him. Jisung wanted comfort from two of his friends, and Hyunjin was the only other one there, so he had to help. Hyunjin had nothing against Jisung. He just got jealous when Felix was too close to Jisung. Felix knew but didn't want to stop because it was the only way to comfort Jisung.

Jisung felt terrible that he was too anxious to go to Minho with his emotions, but they hardly knew each other. That was the only thing in between them. Of course, Jisung was down to get to know Minho more, but he was scared. He was scared of being hurt once again. Beomgyu had broken him, but their friendship was too important to let go of, so they remained friends. Felix was obviously against the idea, seeing as Jisung's heart was shattered into many little pieces. Felix and Hyunjin had to attempt to calm Jisung's panic attack down slowly. Jisung was at the point where his thoughts were becoming harmful, and he needed Minho now. He didn't know that Minho was long gone, though. "Min..." Jisung mumbled, and Felix's heart broke. He had no heart to tell Jisung that Minho had left without words. Felix cared too much about what Jisung would think. Hyunjin, on the other hand, didn't hold back on telling Jisung that Minho had already left.

"What, why? Did I do something? God, I'm so fucking stupid." Jisung rambled. Felix tried to tell him it wasn't his fault, but he knew that wasn't entirely true. Felix knew how much Minho wanted Jisung to feel safe, and he knew Minho wanted to take care of him, but Jisung wouldn't let him in. Jisung had trust issues.  His parents weren't the best. He had to grow up quickly. That was the main reason why Jisung didn't trust easily. Don't get Jisung mistaken, he fucking loves Minho. Just that one little fear of being hurt scares the fuck out of Jisung. "Ji... he was just jealous! You didn't fuck anything up, I promise." Felix reassured. Jisung just continued to talk crap about how much of a mistake he was, and that pissed Hyunjin off. "Fine. Let's call him if you're so fucking worried, Jisung. You're needy, and it's fucking unnecessary. Get over yourself." Hyunjin left it at that and stood up to leave. Before he could reach the door, a hand on his shoulder turned him around.

"What the fuck Hyunjin?! Do you understand what the hell you said? I don't want my BEST FRIEND dead because of you're dumbass words. Get the fuck out. I won't talk to you until sungie gets a fucking apology." Felix turned Hyunjin around, opened the door, and shoved him out. Hyunjin was stunned to say the least. He was more upset at Jisung than Felix. Now, Hyunjin hated Jisung more than he did before. Jisung fucked up everything for Hyunjin. Obviously, only Hyunjin thought that. Jisung was now Hyunjins target. He would make his life a living hell until he believed he had done enough damage. He was going to apologize for Felix's sake, but he swore to himself to make Jisung's life as bad as humanly possible. Maybe he'd drive him to death; who knows? Whatever gets Jisung out of Hyunjin's way.

But things were kind of heavy.

835 words
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