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Teenage Dream

Hyunjin was shaking a lot. He knew how much Jisung meant to Felix when he sent that message, but he still sent it. He knew his excuse for sending it wasn't all that great, either. Felix was speechless, too. He didn't know what to think of his boyfriend after hearing about everything he did. He just shook his head and stood up. "We have to take a break, Hyunjin. At least until you learn there isn't a reason to be jealous of my friends." Hyunjin just nodded and messed with his hands. Felix looked at the doctor and smiled, letting him know he could treat the bruises. Felix left one last kiss on Hyunjin's head and left the room. He still loved Hyunjin dearly, but that wasn't acceptable.

Minho was holding onto Jisung's hand and telling him funny stories. He didn't have anything else to do while he waited for Jisung to wake up. He was talking about his childhood when a group entered the room. Jeongin was holding onto Seungmin's arm and looking down while everyone else ran to Jisung's side. Minho was confused about why Jeongin didn't want to see Jisung, but he wouldn't question it in front of everyone else. Minho stood up and walked toward Jeongin, and smiled. "Hey, want to go find Felix with me?" Jeongin nodded, let go of Seungmin's arm, and walked out of the room before Seungmin could say anything. Minho gave Seungmin a reassuring smile and followed behind Jeongin.

Minho was not trying to find Felix. He just wanted to know what was wrong with Jeongin. Jeongin knew that, too, so before  Minho could talk, Jeongin started speaking. "It's hard to see Jisung like that, I'm sure you agree. I've known Jisung for a long time, and it hurt to look at him like that, especially since he found me in such a bad state. He probably would have seen me in the same condition as him if he hadn't convinced me to stay." Minho blankly stared at Jeongin and nodded gently.

"Jisung saved me, hyung, he indeed did. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here with all my fantastic friends now. It's because of him I'm alive and happy. He introduced me to everyone. I got to meet the love of my life because of him."

Jeongin was crying, telling the story to Minho. It broke Minho's heart knowing how the two had met. He loved Jeongin like a little brother, and they didn't even know each other. Minho pulled Jeongin into a tight hug and patted his head. It wasn't normal for Minho to hug people besides his mother and Jisung.

If someone saw them, they'd be confused. That is what happened. Someone from their group had seen them and was extremely confused. Chan and his boyfriend were standing there with confused looks on their faces. Their cold friend hugging a random kid they didn't know.

"Woah Lee Minho! I didn't know you hugged people~!" Chan was joking but still received a slap in the arm from his boyfriend. Changbin sighed before patting Minho on the back.

"Don't listen to Chan; I hope that whoever this baby is feels better. Do you know where Jisung's room is?" Minho nodded and handed Changbin a paper with the room number on it. Changbin shook gently and dragged Chan away from the two boys. It should have been pretty evident that this wasn't a situation to joke in, but Chan is just old, so you can't expect anything less.

"Hyung... what if Jisung doesn't make it? What am I going to do then? I'm only still here because of him. I mean Seungmin, too, but Jisung saved me. I don't think I can go on without him." Jeongin was quiet, probably because he was still crying like a madman, but still. Minho was patting his back gently while thinking. Minho didn't even know what he would do if he lost Jisung; how was he supposed to know what Jeongin was supposed to do?

Before Minho could speak, Taehyun came running out with a big smile. "Hurry your slow asses up! He's awake!" He shouted before running back to Jisung's room. Minho and Jeongin let go of each other and ran. Felix must have heard Taehyun because he was running down the hall beside Minho and Jeongin.

"Baby, you're awake. Oh my god," Minho spoke as he walked to Jisung's bed. Jisung had the biggest smile once he heard Minho's voice. At first, Jisung was scared that Minho had left, but he had faith in the man he loved. Jisung quickly opened his arms, and Minho pulled him into a light hug.

"I'm so proud of you, baby. You're so strong. I'm so sorry I wasn't here when you woke up. I wanted to comfort Jeongin because he was upset." Jisung just smiled at Minho's words. He didn't even care that Minho wasn't there when he woke. He's just glad he's here now.

"You're an angel, hyung. I'm just glad you're here-" Jisung was cut off by a crying Hyunjin barging into the room and running to the bed. Hyunjin wanted to apologize to everyone esp, especially to Jisung.

"Fuck Jisung, I am so, so, sorry. I can't believe how fucking stupid I am. I never had any ill intentions, and I was just scared to lose Felix. There isn't any point in being scared, though, when he broke up with me. I'm so genuinely sorry, Jisung. I should have known better. I let myself get jealous, and I didn't think before I did anything." Hyunjin held his head low while Jisung patted his hair gently.

"Hyunjin Hyung. It's okay, I promise you. I know you meant nothing terrible; I never would have wanted Felix to choose me over you. He genuinely lost an excellent boyfriend. You just have a few jealousy issues. That's fixable, though. You're a fantastic person, Hwang." Jisung spoke quietly while still patting Hyunjin's hair. Hyunjin began to sob harder, so Jisung pulled him into a hug. Felix just watched with sad eyes.

The way you turn me on

☆1018 words☆
Face rev time~! I'm sick and bored, so I decided to work on this!

☆☆☆☆☆☆1018 words☆Face rev time~! I'm sick and bored, so I decided to work on this!

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Teenage Dream Г Minsung ☆Where stories live. Discover now