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I can't sleep, let's run away.

Minho was glad that Hyunjin was getting along with Jisung now. He would have hated picking between the two of them. Now the only problem is Felix. He constantly breaks up with Hyunjin and Minho became good friends with Felix. Not only that but Jisung and Felix are best friends. Inseparable friends, you will never find one without the other unless it's serious. Everyone knew Felix was madly in love with Hyunjin, but Felix was also scared. Because as much as he loves Hyunjin, he loves his friendships a little bit more.

Minho was just happy Jisung lived. Everyone was, they were so happy that they forgot to call a doctor. Jisung noticed that and hit the button that called a nurse. Minho got up and left the room. He wanted to cry, but he didn't want the others to see him so weak. He never liked showing his emotions in front of others. The only one who has seen him cry is probably Chan. Seeing Minho leave the room confused Jisung but he wasn't going to question it. He would have followed him if he was allowed to get up, but he wasn't so he sent Ryujin to go see what happened.

"Minho? Are you okay?" Ryujin asked gently putting an arm on his shoulder. He almost immediately shook his head no and pulled Ryujin in for a hug. He felt so bad that she had to witness her little brother in such a horrible state. He wasn't a person to just hug someone and Ryujin could tell. He was hurt and he felt guilty. Ryujin gently patted his head as he sobbed. She was glad Minho felt comfortable enough to cry in front of her, but she knew Jisung wanted nothing more than to see Minho. "Minho, Jiji would love to see you right now, let's go back." All Minho could do was nod, he knew Jisung needed him. He couldn't get any words out in fear of him crying again.

When Minho got back into the room Jisung's attention was immediately on him. His conversation with Chan ends as soon as Minho steps into the room. Felix looked angry at the sight of Minho, while Hyunjin looked relieved. If you were to ask Minho he wouldn't be able to tell you the atmosphere in the room. He just tensed up and made eye contact with the one he loved the most. He felt horrible for walking out, but his heart told him to not stay in a situation where the others could see him as vulnerable. With slow movements, Minho slowly moved closer to Jisung.

"Hyung, It's okay to cry. We all love you so much." Jisung spoke gently. Minho just nodded, he had already got all of his tears out. He had no more left to show. Jisung sat there staring. Staring at the most beautiful man in his eyes. Staring at the man he has been longing for. Staring at the one and only Lee Minho with nothing but pure love in his eyes. Minho was struggling to not cry. He hated seeing Jisung in such a bad condition. He sighed and held Jisung's hand.

"Han Jisung i love you so much. Please for the love of god never scare me like that again." Jisung smiled and nodded. He gently pulled Minho down and once he reached his face; he placed a long gentle kiss on the olders lips. He love him so much, they loved each other so much it was unbelieveable. Minho gave Jisung a soft smile as they pulled away. At that point everyone turned away from the two. They gave them a little bit of privacy but it wasn't much.

And don't ever look back.

630 words!

I lose motivation fast and my ex has been causing lots of arguments with me so im stressed :(

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