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Beomgyu looked upset after seeing Minho kiss Jisung's neck. He had Yeonjun, and he loved him, but seeing his ex with someone hurt for some reason. Beomgyu and Jisung dated for most of high school but broke up because Beomgyu fell for Yeonjun. Jisung still wanted to be friends with Beomgyu, and Beomgyu agreed because he didn't want to lose Jisung completely. Minho noticed Jisung and Beomgyu looking sadly at each other and looked to see if Yeonjun noticed it, too. He made eye contact with Yeonjun, who looked like he was about to punch Jisung in the face. Felix had caught the four and decided to step in. "Beomgyu, come on. You and Jisung broke up long ago. You can't be jealous, especially not with Yeonjun. Like, look at poor Yeonjun's face. He looks like he's about to punch Ji. You have to get over Jisung Beomgyu. You have Yeonjun, and he loves you so much." Felix spoke gently. Beomgyu sighed and nodded in agreement, turning to face Yeonjun and hug him. Yeonjun hugged back, and now it was Jisung's turn to feel jealous. He wasn't as jealous as Beomgyu had gotten, but jealousy was still present.

Minho cleared his throat and looked at Jisung. "So Jisung, uhm, would you maybe like to hang out? Not now, though, because I must get to my dance class with Felix, Yeonjun, and Hyunjin." Minho babbled, scratching the back of his neck. Jisung nodded and hugged his friends goodbye. As his friends all walked away, he began walking to the door. He wanted to see Seungmin again because they hadn't talked except at the store. Seungmin was in the group of people arguing, but he never said anything. He didn't agree with any of them. Seungmin ran to Jisung once he saw him walking out of the school and hugged him. "I'm so so so sorry about what they all said earlier. They're assholes, Jisung. They don't deserve you." Seungmin spoke softly. Jisung nodded and patted Seungmin on the back. Jisung let go of the hug too,k Seungmins hand, and began walking.

"Let's go see Ryujin and Taehyun. I'm sure Jeongin is there too," Jisung said, winking at Seungmin jokingly. Seungmin blushed and looked at the ground. The two began to talk about random stuff until they reached the door to his sibling's house. Jisung knocked at the door and waited for someone to open it. Once Ryujin had opened the door, Jisung dragged Seungmin up the stairs to Taehyun's room. He opened the door and saw four people sitting in the room. Jeongin got up and ran to Seungmin, engulfing him in a tight hug. Jisung chuckled and walked into the room to sit with the others. Seungmin and Jeongin were giggling while the others happily watched the two. "So Ji, what brings you two here?" Taehyun questioned. Jisung looked at him and laughed. "What? I can't see my favorite people?" He responded with a smile. Taehyun scoffed and went back to talking to his friends. Seungmin and Jeongin sat down next to each other on the floor. Jisung felt left out because everyone was busy with someone else, so he pulled out his phone and scrolled on TikTok until he got a message from an unknown number.

Hey, is this Jisung?

Jisungie 🌸🩷
Yeah? Who's this?

Do you still want to hang out?

Jisungie 🌸🩷
Oh, sure, we can hang out! I'm at Ryu jin's house right now

Mr. Attitude 🫶🏼❤️
I'll walk to her house and pick you up. See you soon, Jisungie

Jisungie 🌸🩷
That's new lol
Jisungie is my nickname now?

Mr.Attitude 🫶🏼❤️
Yeah it is
Alright, I'll see you soon, lol

Jisung didn't notice the slight smile on his face as he was texting Minho. He felt happy and safe with Minho, even if Minho wasn't the best person. Jisung stood up and waved bye to the boys in the room before he left. He ran down the stairs and looked at Ryujin. She had a sad look, and Yeji wasn't with her. Jisung sat beside Ryujin on the couch and began talking, "What happened to you? Usually, Yeji is with you." He gently spoke. Ryujin seemed to get upset at the name. She looked at Jisung and frowned. "Yeji and I argued. I can't tell you what it was about, but just know we're okay, bud." She sadly smiled. Jisung nodded before getting up and heading to the door, saying bye to Ryujin before heading out. He spotted Minho and ran to him. Minho immediately hugged Jisung tightly.

Minho isn't usually soft like how he is with Jisung. He noticed how he would change his attitude instantly around Jisung, and Minho would always treat Jisung like he was the only person in the world. Jisung, on the other hand, would try to act tougher around Minho, and he'd put on an attitude he didn't have. The two of them changed each other, and neither of them knew if it was a bad thing or not.

☆848 words☆
My Wattpad hates me sm. Like let me make the messages goofy, goober

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