
44 4 16

We can dance until we die.

⚠️️I don't know, uh, there is just a tw⚠️

He fell off. There were three parts to the cliff, though. One that could kill you if you fall off, one that could cause significant damage, and one that can cause minimal damage. Jisung happened to fall off around the area, which could cause significant damage. It wouldn't kill him, though! It just hurt a lot, and thankfully, he passed out due to the impact, so he didn't feel the pain that had just been inflicted on him. Everyone was panicking. Seungmin was quick to find a way down and check his pulse. He was trying to be as calm as possible right now. Which wasn't very calm, but it was better than everyone else. Minho was already calling the ambulance for both Jisung and Hyunjin because he felt it was the right thing to do. Taehyun and everyone else besides Hyunjin were sobbing and in hysterics.

"FUCK YOU, FELIX. IT'S YOUR FAULT; MY BROTHER COULD POSSIBLY DIE. YOU KNEW HE WAS ALL ME, AND RYUJIN HAS LEFT. YOU FUCKING KNEW, AND YOU NEARLY KILLED HIM!" Taehyun shouted at the top of his lungs, throwing harsh insults in Felix's direction while Hyunjin comforted Felix gently. Yeji took the same route Seungmin had taken and went to Jisung. She noticed how he had begun to start bleeding a lot. She looked at Seungmin, and both of them began to panic. Yeji started screaming for everyone to come down to where Jisung was. Seungmin finally lost it and began sobbing. Soon enough, Jeongin was by his side, hugging Seungmin and crying, too. Now, everyone, including Hyunjin, was in panic mode. Hyunjin didn't think he'd see his old crush before Felix dying slowly.

Minho was frantically texting his friends and letting them know what had happened. Once he turned off his phone, he spotted several ambulances across the street. He started to shout and call them over to the cliff. The workers quickly grabbed a stretcher, understanding what had happened. Minho was running down towards Jisung with tears streaming down his face. He sat down, and Yeji passed Jisung to him. Almost immediately, Minho stared, leaving sad kisses all over his face and whispering sweet things. Jisung woke up slightly and felt a sharp pain, and he started sobbing and screaming. Everyone was relieved he was alive. They felt terrible he had to wake up in pain, though.

"Baby, it's okay... the ambiance is here. They'll take care of that precious head of yours, okay? Please don't die on me, baby..." Minho spoke between sobs. Jisung just nodded and scooted up onto Minho's lap, not minding the intense amount of pain he was in. Felix felt jealous seeing that. He knew he was at fault but still felt pissed. Jisung wrapped his moveable arm around one side of Minho's neck and hid his face on the other side of his neck. He was in much pain everywhere, and everyone felt so bad. Eventually, the doctors arrived at the spot they were at, and Minho gently put him on the stretcher. He begged the doctors to go into the ambulance with him. After much convincing from everyone, including the injured boy, they finally agreed.

"I'm here, baby; I'm not leaving your side, alright? I promise. I understand if you don't fully trust me yet, but I swear on my cats' lives that I won't leave you." Jisung just giggled and nodded. Everyone else besides Hyunjin and Felix were going in their cars to the hospital. Hyunjin and Felix were in a different ambulance to get Hyunjin treated. Minho hopped into Jisung's ambulance once he was inside and sat next to him. Minho gently grabbed onto Jisung's hand and held it tightly. He is too afraid of what will happen if he lets go. Jisung had gotten used to the sharp pain he felt throughout his body. He just couldn't move, or it would feel way worse than it was. "Hey, min?" Jisung said, gently turning his head in Minho's direction. Minho hummed gently, letting Jisung know he had his attention.

"How did you know where I was? Who told you?" Jisung asked. His tone was a bit harsh, but he wanted to find out. He could have gone to a bridge and jumped, but the first place everybody checked was the cliff. So how did they know? Who else knew about the cliff besides him and his dad? His siblings never went with them, only Jisung and his dad. So, everyone finding out makes him upset. It was the last bit of a happy memory with his dad. Minho looked down and sighed. They had gone through his room after receiving the messages, and they found a paper with a picture of the cliff, and with that picture was a letter from Jisung's dad. They could tell it meant a lot to Jisung, so they looked there first. How the maknaes found out is a whole different story though.

"Felix freaked over the message and went to find something to help us find you... He probably hates admitting this but was scared about losing you." Minho stated. Jisung was so close to losing his shit, but he reminded himself that it was to find him. He couldn't stay mad, nor could he stay conscious. All the blood he had lost got to him, and he passed out on the spot.

You and I will be young forever.

☆920 words☆
The chapters are slowly getting longer yall yessss~

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