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Now, every February, yeah, you'll be my Valentine


Felix was rushing back to Jisung's side. Jisung was no different from most people. He let the slightest things get to his head. Felix knew it the best. There were multiple events where people had said some pretty fucked up shit, and Jisung let everything get to him. Resulting in some fucked up shit from Jisung. Jisung would change every part of himself to make people happy, and EVERYONE knew. When I say everyone, I mean it. Jisung was taken advantage of multiple times. People had gotten him to stop eating, dye his hair, cut himself, etc. At his school, he was everyone's toy to mess with. He's only ever trusted Felix, Beomgyu, and Yeonjun at his school-no one else. Obviously, now there is Minho to trust, but before Minho, only those three. Outside of school, he had his favorite kids to hang out with. His brother and his friends, as for older people? Only Ryujin and Yeji.

Felix was the only one fully aware of everything happening because he got picked on, too. It was never as bad as Jisung, but it still happened. Everyone called him hurtful things such as a monster, freak, slut, ugly, and other stuff related to his nationality. He always knew how to defend himself, though. He's the type of person who's on TikTok too much, so he knows a lot of comebacks and swears in other languages. Jisung was too scared to say anything, being the people pleaser he tends to be. He had lived in Malaysia before, so he wasn't used to the schooling. That's why he and Felix had gotten along so well. It was something new for the two of them. They had Beomgyus help, of course! Beomgyu was a part of their tiny little friend group. They knew each other like the back of their hands.

"Fuck Felix... Hyunjin hates my guts now..." Jisung stated with a highly concerned look on his face. Felix just nodded and walked to his room. It was the second time he and Hyunjin had issues due to drama that involved Jisung. It was making him super upset. Jisung was his best friend, and he had problems, but Felix didn't understand why Jisung couldn't find someone else to 'bother' with his problems. He started to hate the idea of Jisung. His own best friend was slowly becoming someone he hated. It scared him. The thought of losing his first friend in Korea frightened him a lot. He wasn't sure why the feelings of hatred toward Jisung had occurred, but he couldn't reject them. Usually, it is always 'bros before hoes,' but he wanted Hyunjin more than he wished for his friendship with Jisung. And like that, Jisung lost another friend.

Jisung was already long gone from the dorms, walking mindlessly with no destination. He just wanted to be somewhere away from that place he had called home when he got an escape from his parents. Oh yeah, let's talk about them, shall we? They were ideal parents. They gave their kids whatever they wanted, loved them a lot, and never did anything to hurt their kids physically or mentally. They were the perfect family until one minor slip-up happened. Jisung came out, causing Ryujin and Taehyun to join him. Unfortunately, their parents were HIGHLY homophobic. That's when Jisung's so-called home became hell for the three siblings. They were abused and neglected. Their parents would hit them, throw glass plates, and starve them. It was hell. Ryujin was quick to find a solution, though. She had money saved from her job. With that money, she bought a home for the three, and they all worked together to pay the bills. That was a low point in Jisung's life, and he had always believed it was his lowest point in life, but looking back now, yes, it was pretty fucking bad, but this is his lowest. He lost almost everyone and everything. He wanted to give up.

Jisung reached a tall cliff he had found a few weeks back. He originally wanted just to sit and hum songs like usual, but he changed his mind now. It was a high enough cliff that if someone were to fall or jump, they'd be dead. And like that, he knew what he was going to do. He had already blocked everyone on his way, but not before saying goodbye and apologizing to everyone. He apologized to his parents for something that wasn't his fault. Apologized to Hyunjin for ruining his life, to Felix for fucking up his relationship, to Minho and Beomgyu for being a bother, and to his siblings for leaving them alone with everything. After that, he deactivated all his social media accounts, blocked everyone, deleted everything, deactivated his phone, dropped it somewhere on the sidewalk, and left. And like that, this was it-his last moments in the world. And it ended in the worst way possible.


☆841 words☆

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