
46 3 22


Cause you make me

Minho freaked out when Jisung passed out. He knew it was wrong to tell him how they found him, but it was also Jisung's privacy, and he deserved to know. That didn't matter right now, though. What mattered was how much blood Jisung lost. The doctor in the ambulance was trying to help him regain consciousness by performing multiple things. It finally occurred to Felix, who was in a different ambulance with his boyfriend, what had happened. He almost watched his best friend die. And he was the main reason. He broke down completely. He was sobbing and shoving Hyunjin away. That pissed Hyunjin off.

"Fuck Felix, get over him. You're the one who said he WAS your best friend. He isn't anymore, so you should give zero shits about what happened to him. I'm your boyfriend, for fucks sake. Stop pushing me away!" Hyunjin was pissed, and Felix was no better. He was getting pissed at Hyunjin for telling him not to care. Obviously, he was going to fucking care. He was super close to screaming and punching Hyunjin, but right when he opened his mouth to speak, the ambulance stopped, indicating they had arrived at the hospital. "Later." It was all that left Felix's mouth, and at that moment, Hyunjin knew he had fucked up again.

Minho was walking beside the stretcher that Jisung was lying on. He was sobbing and holding Jisung's hand to wake him up. Nothing worked. Felix soon showed up, leaving Hyunjin's side to be by Jisung. Minho would say something but didn't because he knew Felix cared a lot and didn't wish to lose Jisung. Felix gave Minho an apologetic look and held Jisung's opposite hand. Felix began trying to wake Jisung up, yet again, nothing worked. The two cat-looking men attempted to get Jisung up but to no avail. None of the attempts worked. The two finally stopped once they reached the room Jisung would be staying in. The two boys sat in chairs next to the unconscious boy. Both of them sobbed, looking at Jisung's limp, frail body.

"Fuck Jiji, I am so sorry... I was so lovestruck, and I didn't realize you were hurting so much. Hyunjin wrapped me around his pretty little finger, and I'm so fucking sorry." Felix sounded so broken as he spoke. He truly loved Jisung, and those feelings of hatred left almost instantly when he noticed Jisung had left the house. They were no longer there. All that was left were those little voices telling him he should be worried. He was distraught when he read the message Jisung sent him. When Minho, Hyunjin, and Beomgyu arrived at his dorm, he threw shit everywhere, trying to find out where Jisung could be. Minho had to calm him down and take care of him.

Hyunjin was freaking out at the doctors. When they had arrived, Felix walked away, and it pissed him off. Felix was supposed to care about him and help him. Not Jisung; Hyunjin had thought he was more important. Hyunjin did feel bad for Jisung and everything, but he hated him for taking away his baby. Hyunjin was currently sobbing and screaming at the doctors. He was so busy screaming he never noticed Felix walk into the room. Hyunjin thought he had lost Felix as a lover, and he was very pissed off. "Hyunjinnie, you can't yell at the doctors. They're just trying to help you." Felix softly spoke as he grabbed Hyunjin's hand. Hyunjin stopped screaming and looked at Felix. Hyunjin just broke down even more. He was not screaming this time, just crying.

"Hyunjin Hyung, did you think I wouldn't come back?" All Hyunjin could do was nod. Felix looked upset and pulled Hyunjin into a hug. "Hyunjin... he may be my best friend, but you're my boyfriend. I left shortly after the doctors woke him up. Some doctors told me you were refusing treatment, which I think you shouldn't be doing, so let the doctors do their job, please? I just want you and Ji to be all better..." Hyunjin began feeling bad. You see, Jisung had received a message from Hyunjin himself before he left the dorm. It was a threat.  It's not an everyday thing that you receive a death threat from your best friend's boyfriend.

"If you return to Jisung's room, tell him I'm sorry, please... I think a lot of it was my fault." Hyunjin was quiet, but Felix still heard him and broke the hug. Felix felt that Hyunjin was a part of it, but of course, he wasn't sure. Hyunjin's words confirmed a lot of it. "Hyunjin, what did you tell him?" Hyunjin grabbed Felix's hand and looked him directly in the eyes. He was scared of what Felix would do if he told him, so he wanted Felix to make a promise to him. Felix looked confused when Hyunjin's hand touched his but said nothing about it. He was trying to keep eye contact.

"I was jealous. You and Minho gave him your attention more than you gave me attention. In my head, he was a worthless rat stealing my boyfriend away from me. I didn't want to think that because I knew he was your closest friend. I can't help my feelings, though. I may or may not have sent him threats—multiple threats—death threats, to be exact. I was just jealous. I didn't mean any of it! I promise you!" Felix's eyes went wide. Hyunjin was right; you can't help what you're feeling, but at the same time, he was wrong. Jealousy doesn't justify death threats, especially not to your boyfriend's best friend. That will affect the people in the relationship and the people in the friendship.

Feel like I'm living a teenage dream

☆969 words☆
No face rev in this chap hehe but have a meme bc im nice like that yk? Yea yk

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