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Let's go all the way tonight.

⚠️suicide attempt⚠️

His final moment. Or so he thought. As he was on the edge, he would finally be free from the tournament he had put up with. He was one jump away. But someone stopped him. Not just someone, multiple people. No, not who you were expecting it to be. It was his favorite people ever. Taehyun, Kai, Jeongin, Sunoo, Jungwon, Ni-ki, and Seungmin. They're the only ones who ever put in any effort to be there for Jisung. He loved them, but he hated the world. He wanted to scream and cry and punch them. They were all around Jisung, sobbing and hugging him lovingly. He never really experienced this. It made him feel better. He felt his world slowly light up again. That was temporary, though. Soon enough, more people showed up. Now it's who you were expecting. But they weren't there to comfort him. Oh no, what would be the fun in that? They yelled at him.

"Jisung, you're so fucking selfish! Why would you do that shit? You disregarded everyone's feelings. Fucking selfish. I can't believe I was your best friend." Felix said harshly. Beside him was a smirking Hyunjin. Instantly, he wanted to jump off that cliff. He just pushed the boys away and slowly walked backward towards the edge. "I can be selfish and jump off in front of all of you. You're right, Felix. Who the hell would want to be MY best friend? Not you. You're just as fake as everyone I've ever dared to trust. Now you understand why I have trust issues? Because of people like you, Felix, Hyunjin, and Beomgyu?! What the fuck. I'm fucking sick of you fake ass people. Enjoy having the dorm to yourself, Felix. Our last goodbye. Permanently." Jisung shot back. No one was expecting it. Nor were they expecting Jisung to jump off in front of them. Minho was quick to grab him and pull him into a tight hug. Both boys had tears streaming down their faces.

"Hey baby, it's okay... I'm here, baby. Calm down for me, okay? You don't need those assholes, alright?" Minho gently whispered into Jisung's ear. Jisung nodded and continued to sobbing. Everyone else was confused. Taehyun and his friends were confused about why Felix would say something like that. Felix and his group were confused about why Minho was on Jisung's side. And just like that. An argument happened, and Jisung was the reason. He was stressed. Minho knew now why Jisung didn't go to him for comfort, thanks to Felix, and he wasn't mad or upset at Jisung for his problems. He loved how they shared similar issues. Minho covered one of Jisung's ears and whispered sweet nothings into his other. That brought a sense of comfort to Jisung. He loved hearing Minho's voice because of how soothing it was. The two of them were in their world while there was an argument taking place right in front of them.

"Felix, what the hell?! Beomgyu, you too?! Are you guys fucking stupid? Beomgyu, you know how much Yeonjun appreciates Jisung, and you're driving him to kill himself? You're fucked up, dude." Taehyun shouted at the two. Hyunjin just smiled and watched as this played out. Little did he know he was about to be attacked by two little foxes. Sunoo threw the first punch, and it surprised everyone. Hyunjin attempted to punch him back but was blocked by Jeongin punching his stomach. "Fuck, you're strong," Hyunjin mumbled. Jeongin just nodded and turned his attention to the Australian boy, who was staring at him in shock. He tilted his head innocently and smirked. He was caught off guard by the punch that just landed on his face. That was when Jisung lost his shit.

"FUCK YOU, HYUNJIN, DON'T FUCKING TOUCH MY BROTHERS. MINHO, LET ME FUCKING GO" He shouted as Minho held him back. If you think Jisung's mad, imagine the two girls who just pulled up. Ryujin was beyond pissed off, and Yeji was just as angry. She watched her little brother get punched. She knew it would be wrong to defend him, but he was family. Ryujin was pissed off that someone who she considered family got hit by someone who she was supposed to feel like family. The two girls went to the defense of their people. Ryujin was checking Jeongins face and Yeji was trying to see if Hyunjin was okay. He nodded and threw a punch at Ryujin's back. That was when Minho let Jisung go. He was pissed that Hyunjin even thought about touching his babys older sister. Taehyun was already screaming at Hyunjin when Jisung got closer. The younger group was helping Jeongin and Ryujin while Yeji stood there angry. She no longer felt that her brother had any right to throw punches. Not at her girlfriend especially.

"Fuck Beomgyu go to the car..." Felix whispered, Beomgyu nodded but as he turned around Yeji had blocked his way. She shook her head and made him face the scene. Jisung had already thrown multiple punches at Hyunjin and Felix was trying to make him stop. Felix felt horrible for causing everything, driving his bes- ex best friend to attempt suicide, and causing his boyfriend to get beat. Jisung didnt stop punching hyunjin, while Taehyun and Minho were silently cheering him on. Felix yanked Jisung off and unfortunately Jisung slipped and fell. Fell where? Of the cliff.

No regrets, just love.

☆919 words☆
Help yall he low-key kinda fell lol

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