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‼️TW? (Idrk 😭🤞)‼️


Minho swore he saw Ryujin glare at him, so he took Jisung by the hand and headed toward the door. Jisung quickly shouted to the younger kids that he was leaving before focusing on Minho. Once they got outside the door, Minho shut it before facing Jisung. "I swear I wasn't following you! I went for a walk to clear my mind. Hyunjin is just dramatic." Minho babbled at Jisung, getting a laugh in return. Minho smiled and began walking with Jisung toward the school. The two started to talk about random stuff until Minho received a message from Hyunjin.

Dramatic weirdo🖕

Stay at Jisungs dorm. Felix is staying at our dorm

whatever Hwang Hyunjin

"So, uh, Hyunjin wants me to sleep over at your dorm because Felix is staying at his," Minho told Jisung, keeping his head down. Jisung looked shocked but still agreed. Jisung knew he wouldn't want to show Minho his face without makeup. He didn't like how it looked. They were silent for the rest of the walk to the dorms. They only talked when Minho told him he would grab some things from his dorm. Jisung stood outside Minhos dorm, waiting for him to come out with his stuff. Minho quickly rushed to the door to see Jisung waiting outside on his phone. "Hey, let's go now. I got what I need," Minho said gently. Jisung looked up and smiled at him before leading him to his dorm. Jisung opened the door and let Minho walk in. Minho set his things down and took his shoes off before he went to sit on the couch.

Jisung went to his shared room and changed into pajamas before walking to the living room. "Hey, you can bring your stuff to my room and get changed if you'd like," Jisung said, moving to the couch. Minho smiled and picked up his bag, bringing it to Jisungs room. He took out his pajamas and put them on before returning to his bag for face wipes. He walked to Jisungs bathroom and wiped the makeup off his face before returning to the couch. "Oh, Jisung, go take off your makeup. It's not good for you to sleep with makeup on," Minho spoke softly. Jisung looked at him and slowly nodded. He got up and headed towards the bathroom, sighing as he got in. He took out a makeup wipe before taking his makeup off. He started to cry a bit, forgetting he didn't close the door behind him.


Minho heard Jisung sobbing in the bathroom and got up, heading towards the bathroom. He felt like his heart was broken once he saw a crying Jisung at the sink. Jisung was staring at himself in the mirror, crying and cursing at himself. Minho couldn't stay quiet anymore. He moved into the bathroom and hugged Jisung from behind. "Hey, Jisung, tell me why you're crying," Minho whispered in Jisungs ear. Jisung just stood there, not knowing what to do. Minho sighed, pulling away from the hug to make Jisung face him. Jisung looked at Minho, and that made him cry harder. "You're so fucking perfect, Minho. I don't get it. You have the perfect face and body. I don't get it. You look handsome with and without makeup. I don't, I look horrendous without makeup, and I fucking hate it!" Jisung told Minho, not realizing that Minho was hugging him again. Minho just let Jisung cry more before making Jisung look at him. He wiped Jisungs tear-stained face and smiled.

"Jisung. I promise you that you look pretty with and without makeup. I don't know who said you're ugly without makeup, but they were so fucking wrong. You're gorgeous, Jisung. Please believe me," Minho said softly, still caressing Jisungs cheek. Jisung just stared at Minho, not knowing what to do. Minho put his forehead on Jisungs and whispered sweet things to make Jisung feel better. It slowly started to work. Jisung was feeling better and tired. Minho noticed Jisung getting tired and helped him off the floor. The two began walking to Jisungs room and getting into separate beds. Minho slept in Felix's bed because he wasn't there, while Jisung was in his bed. The two fell asleep quickly, neither of them forgetting what happened today.

☆754 words☆

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