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Jisung was currently getting his makeup done by Felix. The younger was very happy to help out at his best friend's wedding. Hyunjin was with Minho, because he felt that he needed to be there. As Minho's best friend, Hyunjin felt it was his duty to support Minho. Everyone was stressed, tho there weren't many people, mainly friends and family. Ryujin wanted everything to be perfect for her baby brother. Chaeryeong was trying to help Minho calm himself, because he was on the verge of tears.

"What if he says no?  what the hell will I do with myself then?" Minho sat on a chair in a dressing room. Hyunjin and Chan were attempting to calm him down. Chaeryeong knew something that could work, but didn't want to risk having Minho go back to hiding his emotions. Hyunjin tried explaining that Jisung would not wait for so long just to say no. Chan was beyond stressed too, Minho wouldn't seem to listen to him.

"Hyung! Han Jisung loves you, he wouldn't have had a whole nervous breakdown while buying a dress if he didn't. He wants to be with you Hyung, trust me!" Hyunjin snapped, he hates seeing Minho so stressed. The older male looked at him and just sighed. He knew he was right, but his brain didn't want to believe he could be loved. Jisung was perfect in his eyes, he couldn't believe he was marrying such a perfect man.

Jisung wasn't any better, he was actually crying. The tears ruined the makeup, which got Felix stressed out. Ryujin and Taehyun tried their best to comfort their brother, but it didn't work. They knew only Minho could calm him down, but was he in any state to do that? Absolutely not, they had to find other options. Felix was about to snap, he knew he had problems with his anger. The freckled male let out a heavy sigh and he watched the makeup he worked hard on go to waste.

"HAN JISUNG." Felix snapped, the older man looked at him in fear. He had never heard Felix shout at him before, and by the way Felix said his name; he knew that Jisung was mad. "You have NOTHING to worry about. Hyung, Minho loves you so much. If I could call him I would, but that would ruin the whole surprise. Please for the love of GOD let me fix your makeup. You want to look nice for him right?" Jisung nodded quickly. "Then please stop crying." Felix sounded more calm once he got Jisung to stop crying.

"Wow, that worked out better than I expected." Ryujin laughed and Taehyun nodded in agreement. Jisung's two siblings walked out of the dressing room to check on the food and decorations. They wanted to make sure nothing got messed up because they were in a flower field. Hyunjin wanted aesthetic pictures, and Minho just couldn't say no. He brought up a flower field and Jisung agreed immediately.

"Let's get this shit show on the road." Felix smiled as he finished his friend's makeup. He was going to be the one to walk him down the aisle, to be by his side the entire time. Jisung hated his parents, but didn't want to burden Chan, so he asked his best friend. Felix agreed right away, so he would walk him down the aisle and be his best man.

Everyone went to their spots quickly, Minho was nervous. He walked down towards the arch and stood there waiting for his lover. People cheered as Minho walked slowly. Chaeryeong was hoping he didn't cry before Jisung came out, because he looked like he was about to. He successfully made it to the end of the aisle without crying. He felt fine after he was just standing still, but as soon as he spotted Jisung the tears fell. Jisung looked so beautiful in his eyes, the dress fit around his hourglass figure perfectly.

Felix walked with Jisung down the aisle, smiling at his boyfriend once he spotted him. Hyunjin gave a tiny wave and Felix returned the gesture. Jisung felt his eyes watering but blinked away the tears. Minho stood there so perfectly, everything that Minho did was perfect for Jisung (and me). Minho felt the same way towards Jisung, the younger never failed to be perfect. Jisung reached the end of the aisle and bowed to Felix, who just smiled and took his respectful spot.

(wedding words from that one dude who asks the questions and crap- TIME FOR VOWS!)

"Han Jisung, these past few years have been the best. You were with me throughout all of them, and I am so happy. You are beyond perfect to me, I love you. I love everything about you, your heart shaped smile, your adorable cheeks, your perfect waist, your amazing dance and singing skills. Everything you do is perfect, everything about you is perfect. Han Jisung, you are perfect. I felt like we lived the Teenage Dream. We did so many fun things that went unspoken. We got drunk on the beach, built a fort at a motel, so many things. You're my missing puzzle piece Hannie, I'm complete." Minho smiled softly as he wiped the tears off his lovers face.

"Min, you changed my life. We loved with no regrets, and I am beyond thankful for that. You were the one who made me feel like I was living a Teenage Dream. I knew I was able to let my walls down around you. You make me feel so safe, Hyung you get me like no other. You think I'm perfect, but I think you're more than that. You are Lee Minho, nothing beats Lee Minho. You are perfect beyond words. Before I met you, things were hard, heavy. You, Lee Minho, brought me to life. I am so glad that you'll be my valentine every February. You complete me Minho, you are my soulmate, and you always will be." Jisung looked  lovingly at his lover.

"Beautiful, Han Jisung, do you take Lee Minho to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The man asked Jisung (I fr dont know what they're called help-). "I do," the quokka-like boy responded. The man turned to Minho and smiled softly. "Do you, Lee Minho, take Han Jisung to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Minho finally got asked, it was the moment he had been waiting for. "I do," he quickly responded. Everyone cheered, Felix and Hyunjin were the loudest out of the 30 attendees.

"You may now kiss," Minho pulled Jisung in by his waist and kissed him lovingly. The younger kissed his husband back with a small smile. "I TOLD YOU DUMBASS!" Hyunjin shouted as he slapped Minho on the back. The elder turned around, causing Hyunjin to bow. "Congrats princess," Felix smiled softly at his best friend. Jisung looked at him and returned the same smile. He thanked his best friend and looked at the crowd. He nudged Felix and the younger smiled widely.

"LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Felix shouted, causing everyone to cheer. The wedding was an unforgettable one. Jisung and Minho gave Hyunjin permission to propose to the freckled male. When it came time for Jisung to throw the bouquet, he just handed it to Felix. That confused the younger, but it hit him once he turned around. Hyunjin was down on one knee with a shiny ring in his hand. Felix nodded his head yes and began crying. Hyunjin picked his lover up and spun him around. They received cheers and praise from everyone, which they returned with a smile.

"Lee Minho, I love you." Jisung spoke as he leaned onto his husband. "I love you more, baby." Minho responded lovingly.


!1276 words!

damn this book literally got ignored for so long, but i finally finished it! Go check out 'Dance With Me' and 'Nonsense' if you enjoyed this one!

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