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A few years later


Everything was normal again, their entire friend group was back together. Hyunjin finally felt comfortable enough to talk with everyone again. He still chose Jisung as his best friend, the one he could tell everything to. Felix and Hyunjin were happily dating, and Seungmin and Jeongin were dating too. Chan and Changbin were the strongest couple in the school. Jisung was still shy and Minho, but the older found it cute.

After finding out about Jisung and Ryujin being siblings, everyone began to respect Jisung. At first, it felt weird not being pushed around and told what to do, but he got used to it. Minho was now very keen on staying near Jisung. He didn't want anyone asking him out. People still didn't understand that Jisung was in a happy relationship. The boy always had flowers in his hand and love letters that were shoved in his locker.

"I swear to fucking god Ji, I'm going to put a tazer on your locker so people stay away," Minho complained to his boyfriend. The two of them happily sat eating their dinner after Minho had burned all of the love letters. He let Jisung keep the flowers, only because the younger loved them so much. Jisung giggled at his boyfriend's words. Minho felt like his whole world revolved around Jisung.

"Hyung, scare them off. They're intimidated by you, if you do something it'll most likely make them stop." Jisung explained to his pouty boyfriend. The quokka-like boy leaned across the table and kissed his lover's lips. Minho blushed and cleared his throat. He didn't know how Jisung still affected him. Every kiss brought butterflies back to Minho's stomach.

"Then I'll just have to put a ring on your finger." Minho confidently spoke to his boyfriend as he pulled out a velvet box. Inside that box was a shiny diamond ring. Jisung eyes watered as he stared at the ring in shock. Minho walked over to the younger and got on one knee. Jisung already knew the answer to his question. Jisung put his hand out, not giving the older a chance to speak.

"Yes, bitch put the damn ring on my finger." Jisung sternly spoke. Minho laughed and slowly slid the ring on the younger male's finger. Jisung kissed Minho roughly, both males wanting more. They wanted more than just a kiss. They wanted all of each other. Minho gently picked up Jisung and carried him to their shared room. The two of them kissed roughly on their way to the room. They entered the room and Minho gently pinned Jisung down on the bed. They continued, believing they couldn't be interrupted.

The two of them were having the time of their lives until Felix opened the door. Minho scoffed and continued what he was doing, not caring about the male watching them have sex. Felix was shocked, people usually would have stopped, but Minho and Jisung didn't care. Felix shut the door and walked to the living room. Jeongin and Seungmin were sitting with each other while Hyunjin got water for the four of them. Minho and Jisung finished and washed up before walking downstairs.

"YOU TWO ARE FUCKING FOWL," Felix shouted at the two jokingly. Minho laughed with Jisung, no one seemed to notice the shiny ring on Jisung's finger.

"Our door was locked, you were never invited Lix." Jisung shrugged as he cuddled into Minho's side. Seungmin looked at the two until something shiny caught his eye.

"HOLY SHIT CONGRATS!" Seungmin suddenly shouted. Everyone besides Jisung and Minho seemed confused. Felix thought he was congratulating them on losing their virginity.

"Are you celebrating them losing their virginity?" Felix questioned Seungmin. The puppy-like male shook his head and laughed. Hyunjin looked closely at Jisung, trying to figure out what his best friend was seeing. Hyunjin noticed the ring and squealed.

"I'M BEING A BEST MAN." Hyunjin declared. Felix snapped his neck looking at Jisung's finger. Jeongin looked too, but not as quickly as Felix. The entire house got loud in a second. Felix called Chan and Changbin to come over while congratulations flew around the room. Minho was happy, his friends and Fiancé meant everything to him. His life felt complete now that he would soon be able to call Jisung his husband.

726 Words.

Teenage Dream Г Minsung ☆Where stories live. Discover now