Chapter 43

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Sienna Loren Monroe

"Thanks," I murmured, flashing a grateful smile at the bartender as I received my mango shake. Stepping onto the soft sand, I made my way towards the shore where the gentle waves lapped against the beach. Sitting down, I hugged my arms around myself, welcoming the cool caress of the evening breeze. The sky above was a canvas of twinkling stars, each one a distant beacon in the velvety darkness.

I couldn't suppress a smile as I reflected on the journey of the past nine years. Against all odds, I had steered through challenges, fulfilling the childhood aspiration of becoming a doctor. Amidst the hustle of building a career, I had found my stride, crafting a name for myself in a field I was deeply passionate about. Despite life's unpredictability, here I was, embracing the tranquility of the night, content and at peace.

Lost in my thoughts, I was startled by the sound of a familiar voice behind me.

"You're still awake?" Danzel's voice was warm, cutting through the quiet of the night. He stood beside me, his silhouette outlined against the shimmering sea, a glass of juice in his hand.

"Yeah," I replied softly, turning to look at him briefly before returning my gaze to the horizon.

He settled down beside me, the soft crunch of sand under his weight breaking the silence. "Can't sleep either?" he ventured, his tone gentle.

I nodded, lifting my mango shake to my lips and taking a thoughtful sip. "Kind of. That's why I decided to come out here, get some fresh air before bed."

We sat in companionable silence, the only sound the rhythmic melody of the waves brushing against the shore.

"So, how's Tita?" His question was unexpected, pulling me out of my reverie.

I turned to him, eyebrows furrowing in surprise. "What do you mean?" I asked, curious yet cautious.

He met my gaze briefly, his expression softening. "Didn't Tita have a heart problem?" he clarified gently.

Surprised by his knowledge, I nodded slowly. "Yes, she did," I admitted quietly.

"I heard from Mom," he explained, his eyes scanning the horizon as if searching for the right words. "That's how I found out."

I nodded again, grateful for his concern. Turning my attention back to the sea, I felt a mixture of emotions—gratitude for his care and a twinge of guilt for not keeping him informed.

"She's doing much better now, recovering step by step," I reassured him, hoping to ease any worries he might have.

We lapsed into a comfortable silence once more, each lost in our own thoughts as the night deepened around us.

"Aren't you heading back to your room?" Danzel finally broke the silence, brushing the sand off his clothes.

I glanced at him, a small smile playing on my lips. "Nope, still finishing my drink," I replied, lifting the mango shake in acknowledgment.

"Alright then," he said, standing up and stretching. "I'll head back. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you."

As he walked away, leaving me alone with the gentle sounds of the night, I couldn't help but feel grateful for these moments of quiet reflection. It was just me and the sea, a peaceful interlude before the adventures that awaited us tomorrow.

I peacefully finished my drink, the ice cubes clinking softly against the glass as I set it down on the sand. Just as I was about to rise from the sand, a familiar buzz emanated from my phone.

Claire is calling.

"Hey, my dearest sister. How are you?" she chimed in warmly as I answered.

"Good," I responded, the sound of distant laughter from the beach.

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