Tombom Gonplei

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Lexa and Clarke were awoken early, the next morning, by Abby, Raven and Octavia, who wanted to gush over the ring and talk wedding plans.

Lexa quickly dressed, at the knock, thinking it was their breakfast being delivered. Opening the door, she sees the three women waiting to descend upon them.

"Ah, good morning, did you all need something." Lexa asked confused.

"Playing dumb doesn't suit you, Lexa," Raven laughed, "you know we are here to help the bride to be plan the wedding and gush over the proposal and the ring."

"Clarke is still asleep," Lexa says.

"No problems, she will wake up when we jump on her," Raven said trying to push past Lexa.

Lexa put her hand on Ravens shoulder, halting her progress. "My bride and I did some celebrating last night," Lexa said trying not to blush and failing when she meet Abby's eyes. "Let me wake her up and uh, tidy up a bit." Lexa closed the door, leaving the 3 women waiting outside, as she woke Clarke up.

"Clarke, baby, wake up, please," Lexa said kissing Clarke's face. "My beautiful bride to be, you need to wake up, your mother, Ray and O are here and they won't listen to me."

Clarke woke up and kissed Lexa passionately. "Aw the big, bad commander couldn't command 3 skai women." Clarke teased.

"Well, I learnt from you my beauty, that skai women are fierce and wild and untamable. And a little scary, so I will need you to save me from them." Lexa teased back.

"Don't worry my love, I always protect what's mine and you are all mine." Clarke teased, kissing Lexa possessively, before getting dressed.

"Now my sexy commander, shall we let them in, don't worry my love I won't let them near you," Clarke looks at Lexa hungrily.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I am going to forget they exsist and give you exactly what you eyes are asking for." Lexa smirked.

"Don't tempt me, my love, I want to take you back to bed desperately, but you know it would take the whole army, to keep those three away." Clarke said kissing Lexa.

"And I don't think even my best warriors would survive. " Lexa teased before opening the door.

"Well it's about time," Raven teased as the 3 women raced past her to Clarke.

Lexa spoke to her warriors, asking for an assortment of pastries and fruit, coffee, tea and juice for 5 to be bought to her room for breakfast.

Raven, Octavia and Abby were gushing over Clarke's ring as Lexa walked back into the room, kissing Clarke's cheek.

"Breakfast has been ordered, we hope you will all join us." Lexa said.

Clarke smiled lovingly, at her future wife, she never fails to amaze her and make her fall more in love.

"Yes, please, I am starving." Raven said.

"When are you not, starving," Octavia said kissing Raven's cheek.

"Never, but it's not always for food," Raven looks at Octavia hungrily.

Octavia blushes as Abby clears her throat.

"That's very kind of you, Lexa." Abby said.

"The pleasure is mine." Lexa smiled sincerely.

"Sooooooooo," Octavia said, "How did Lexa propose?"

Clarke smiled happily, her eyes looking at Lexa, so full of love, at the memory of their day yesterday.

"Lexa took me to a beautiful, secluded waterfall, surrounded by candles, there was a picnic area, completely surrounded by wild flowers, the path leading to the picnic was coved in flower petals. Lexa set the picnic up, under a tree and leaned against it and I leaned on her . We feed each other food, Lexa had packed my sketchbook and charcoals, because she knew I knew I would want to sketch the area, which I did, but even more so now that she proposed there. Lexa stroked my hair, while I sketched, it was just the perfect romantic picnic, but Lexa being the amazing girlfriend she is, had to make it more perfect. I got up because we wanted to go for a swim, in the swimming hole, under the waterfall. Lexa took my left hand and got down on one knee. And said the most beautiful things, about how much she loves me and how she fell in love with me. And then she asked me to marry her. I couldn't believe it, but I was soooooooooooooooook happy, you all know how much I love her, so of course I said yes. Then I said I need to get Lexa a ring, but she already organised that, so she asked me to put it on for her. So before I did, I told her how much I love her and how I fell for her, and asked her to be my wife forever. She of course said yes, and I slipped her ring on her finger and then we went for a swim."

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