Baby Making

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Everyone had agreed, to meet at the hospital, first thing in the morning. Octavia noticed Braxton looked frightened, when they got to the hospital door, so she bent down to talk to him. "Hey Brax, what's wrong little guy, why are you sad?"

"You are taking me back," Brax said.

"No, Brax we are not taking you back, you are our son, we want you with us. We have to see your new grandma Abby, she works here, but you and Caspian will be going outside to play, with Aria and Quinn, remember you meet them yesterday. Your new aunty's Lexa and Clarke, also have to see Grandma Abby, but we will all be with you and Caspian, as soon as we can. But Braxton, you are our family now and there is not one person, from last night who doesn't want you in their life. We will all be here to love and protect you, from now on. You will never go back to Mrs Carter and you will never be alone again, because you are our son and we love you." Octavia said, Braxton smiled and hugged Octavia, while Raven watched them, with a look of adoration on her face.

Raven couldn't believe it, she had her own little family. It was great to be part of Clarke and Lexa's family, and Abby and Kane's, she loved her wife so much, but there was nothing like having her wife and their child. She vowed to be a much better parent, then either of her parents had been, not that that was hard, Her father abandoned them and her mother was an abusive, negligent, drunk. And today if all things went well, they would also add another baby to their family. Life was pretty perfect at the moment.

Octavia picked Braxton up and Raven cuddled them both. "We are a family now, Brax and you are an essential part of that and we love you." Raven kissed the top of his head and then kissed Octavia softly on the lips. They walked into the hospital, Octavia carrying Braxton and holding Raven's hand.

Clarke looked at them and smiled, as they entered, she was sitting beside Lexa, who had Caspian on her lap and was telling him a story.

"Good morning, family," Raven smiled and hugged everyone.

Octavia gave everyone a wave. Lexa smiled and continued the story,, until Caspian noticed Braxton and ditched her.

"Motherhood suits you two, you are both glowing," Clarke said, smiling.

"I am certainly loving it." Raven said, "He is so sweet and perfect."

"Thank you, Clarkee," Octavia smiled.

"I am just going to say you 3 laughed at me, getting the builders in to build your children's rooms, right away, I was totally right though, wasn't I?" Lexa smirked.

The 3 women laughed and rolled their eyes.

Kane walked in, with the adoption paperwork, for Raven and Octavia. Closely, followed by Quinn and Aria, who were extremely excited, today was the first day they were allowed to look after Caspian by themselves. They had excelled at their training and we're not far off of promotion, but both were still so young, Quinn was 11 and Aria was 10. Not only were they watching Caspian, by themselves, they were also watching Braxton.

Lexa pulled Quinn and Aria aside and said, "today, I am trusting you with my son, I don't need to tell you how important your job is, do I?" Lexa said seriously.

"Lex, they know, please stop scaring them." Clarke smiled at the two girls and said, "Caspian, come here please, baby boy."

Caspian ran over, as Octavia bent to speak to Braxton. "Braxton, you remember Quinn and Aria right?" Octavia said and Braxton nodded, "they will take you and Caspian, outside to play, we will be out there as soon as we can, but you will be safe, so just enjoy playing with Caspian ok."

Braxton nods and they walk over to Aria and Quinn.

Clarke, meanwhile, was explaining to Caspian. "Sweetheart, mummy and I need to see Grandma Abby, for a bit, this morning, so that she can help us with something important. We will be back with you, as soon as possible, ok, but until we can be or Aunty O or Aunty Ray can be you will be with Quinn and Aria and Braxton. I want you and Braxton to have fun playing and before you know it, Mummy and I will be there to take you to lunch and we will see all of our friends later today. Can you be a good boy for me and behave for Quinn and Aria and look after Brax, he is still pretty shy."

"Yes, mumma," Caspian said.

"That's my big brave boy. We love you." Clarke said.

Lexa knelt down beside him and said, " I love you, my little warrior, be good."

Both cuddled and kissed Caspian and Quinn took his hand.

Octavia picked Braxton up, hugged and kissed him and said, "Be good Brax, have fun, I love you." She passed him to Raven.

Raven said, "we love you very much, Brax, remember you are safe and loved and we want you to have fun playing with Caspian. Either, one of your Aunties or one of us will be with you soon ok. I love you Brax." She hugged and kissed him, put him down and Arai took his hand as they led the 2 little boys, outside to play.

Abby came into the room, about 10 minutes later. "Good morning, my lovely daughters and daughters in law, are we ready to make me some more grandchildren?"

"Oh god, mum, please never say that again, that was creepy." Clarke said and everyone laughed.

"Ok, let get you guys into rooms and we will take stem cells from Lexa and Octavia first, then we will inseminate you both, about an hour later. We will need to prepare the stem cells, for fertilisation, before insemination." Abby said smiling.

The four younger women, hugged each other and wished each other luck, before going into to 2 seperate examination rooms.

The procedures took 4 hours and they were able to leave, right after lunch. Octavia and Raven had filled out the adoption paperwork, for Braxton, while the were waiting and Braxton, was now officially their son. They were so happy, to have him, as a part of their family.

The two couples walked out, to where their children were happily playing. Aria and Quinn had done an excellent job, of looking after the two little boys, but as soon as Caspian and Braxton, saw their respective mother's, they ran over to them.

The rest of the day was spent catching up with their friends, introducing them to Braxton and catching up with what is going on in each other's lives.

The following day, was spent with Abby, Abby wanted to send time with her two grandsons and get to know Braxton more.

Their time at Arkadia, came to an end with another family meal, at Abby's, where it was decided, Abby would travel to Polis, in a month's time, to check on the progress for both couples. Everyone went to bed early, in preparation, for travelling back to Polis.

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