𝚃𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚊 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚝 [𝙶𝚊𝚣] ‼️

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Kyle held you tight with his hands while you rocked your hips against his lap.
He always had trouble controlling himself when you were on top of him.
You didn't like letting him know that you struggled twice as hard.

He kept quiet at first, pulling you in closer so he could hear, your body shivered when you felt Kyle's breath on your skin.

His voice was deep and demanding.
"Do you feel what you do to me, hm?"

The grinding grew rougher, more faster. All the dirty words hidden in his breaths soon poured out. Yes, he whispered. Fuck me...

You couldn't resist from kissing his neck.
Kyle moaned in ecstasy, letting you have your way with him right then. He gently pushed you away , showing you his pants that were now tight around his hard erection.

You took him into your hands, stroking in a teasing manner as you lifted your skirt.

Kyle caressed your body attentively, pausing right as you lowered yourself onto him.
Your words of praise were winded from you as you took him in inch by inch. His sweet eyes watched everything, never looking away for a second.

"So good.." Kyle murmured.

His hands roamed your body as you watched him, not wanting to move or grind.

Instead you took a moment to watch the horny mess in front of you, waiting g for your next move. It brought a smile to your face, you didn't bother to hide it, knowing how wild it makes him.

Without warning, Kyle slammed into you making you whine. His jaw tightened, those sweet eyes dark with seduction.

"Don't make me wait" he growled.
"I hate it when you make me wait...."

Slender fingers gripped you tighter, you found yourself losing composure, covering your mouth was almost useless.

Without letting you go he pounded into you while biting on your neck. You felt yourself squirming backward as he went harder, he knew he was overstimulating you, he loved it.

You managed to speak.
It didn't last long.

He slammed into you once more before slowing down, catching his breath as you tried to stop yourself from making so much noise.

A satisfied smile crept on his face as he watched you grip his broad shoulders. A hand wrapped around your back firmly as you got closer to him once again, pressed against his chest.

"You take it so good, I wanna give you more.."
He looked down, then to you.

You couldn't speak, breathlessly you nodded to him with half closed eyes.

"Fuck yeah..."
Gaz pushed himself deep inside. More gently though he made sure every inch of him filled you up each time.  Your hands grasped his head as your eyes closed, letting him take care of you.

Neither of you could hide how wet you were getting, the noises from between you both made you squirm with pleasure.

You thought about finishing right then.
I'm almost there, you said. When he whispered and grunted the way he did you couldn't resist.

Kyle knew that too.
He didn't hold back from the frantic moaning erupting from his lips.

"You." Kyle chuckled. "You, you're so naughty with me.."

The way your eyebrows knitted together with must have said enough. Gaz worked his hips into your most sensitive parts only he knew, every thrust more reckless than the last.

You struggled to hold a firm grip on his head as the shaking became more intense, your hands trembling for something to squeeze.

"So desperate....my god"
Gaz laughed between his moans while he pumped into you.

Those dark eyes never left you, his hand pulled at your chin bringing your eyes back when they strayed.

"Fuck me back.."

Gaz held you proudly as you bounced on top of him. Strong arms forced you all the way down as you clenched covering him in your wetness, you couldn't stop the shaking in your legs.
His mouth covered your lips concealing the cries escaping you.

Your body begun to feel weak.
A soft kiss was placed on your head as you rested on his shoulder, he held you tight sighing breathlessly.

"Let me stay inside...?" He asked.

Instead of responding you kissed his chest,
you had no intentions of getting off in the first place.

𝚖𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚏𝚊𝚛𝚎 II - 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now