𝚆𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐? [𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚎] ❕

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The toilet flushed for the third time in the past hour while muffled coughs echoed throughout the house.

It seems the captain was all talk.
This was the first time you had drunk him under the table, and most likely the last.

Throughout the night you challenged him numerous times at the dining table, drinking and laughing until the bottle became lighter and lighter, soon leaving it empty.

Now here you are.

You pulled your knees to your chest creating warmth under Johns jacket, thankfully you took it from him before he started to vomit.
Only the smell of cigars and booze stuffed your nose as you brought it closer to your neck.

"Still there, love?"

His voice was different.
Still deep, still firm, but drunk.

"Right here.."

The both of you slurred nonsense to each other making you chuckle to yourself. John emerged with a smile barely holding himself up against the doorframe, his head tipping back and fourth.

"Need help old man?"

You were up at his side before he could protest, scooping an arm under his to support him.
He wasn't too reluctant to literally lean on you for support, but you ignored him.

"You really think i'm old-"
Johns hiccups had come back, completely cutting him off.

"Keep your back straight!"

He held his right arm up high, balancing himself in the strangest way possible. You stood on your tip toes as you both stumbled back to the room.

Every second sobered you up as you tried your hardest not to laugh, giving this man instructions in his state was impossible.

With an exaggerated sigh price finally sat on the corner of the bed, his head hung low, clearly intoxicated.

"No more whiskey for you..."

Price barely responded. You wrapped your hand around his, bringing your lips to his fingertips to give them warmth. All you could smell was the strong liquor from prices breath, you felt his lips touch the back of your head.

His kisses were all over the place.

"You're so good to me."
He paused for a second.


"I'm not going anywhere..."

"Good.." He whispered.

His pale fingers started to turn red as you continued to rub his hands.

John hummed like he was trying to talk.
His head slowly fell again, the words disappeared before they came. The way his chin pressed into his chest made you frown.


You squeezed his hand gently.


His head shot back up again, his eyebrows raised very high. You couldn't help but laugh, covering your mouth instantly feeling bad.
Price murmured away as you removed his shoes, asking questions you barely understood.

You silently cursed yourself for not filming him at all. How will he ever believe me this time? You thought. Never once had you been the last one standing with liquor, not with John.

"I'm not, I don't need to sleep-"
He cleared his throat as you guided him to bed.

"We are going to sleep,"

Price relaxed on top of his pillows finally.

"You're coming with me?..."
A wide grin rested on his face.

The sight of John holding out his hand to you drunkly warmed your face.

Your cheeks were hurting from how
hard you were smiling at him.

You glanced back at the kitchen through the hall, then back to price, his eyes didn't flutter once as he rested.

I'll clean up in the morning, you nodded.

Soon you were settled on his chest, unable to sleep. Instead you watched over him, stroking his hair, unable to take your eyes off him.

Price brought his arms down pulling you into a hug as he sighed, his chin rested near your head.

"Would you like to know something?"
Price rasped.

You smiled, surprised he was still awake.
Still you held him close and nodded though he couldn't see you.


Price planted a soft kiss on your ear, then your face, every peck more gentle than the last.

"I want to make you my wife one day.."
His voice was gentle.

"You- You're a good woman...to me"

Those damn hiccups.
You gently gave his chest a pat, feeling your eyelids become heavier.

"Good thing you already put a ring on it."

John slurred, he genuinely sounded surprised.

"John," You lifted your head to see his eyes, barely open. "I am your wife"

"And you are my husband.."
You said, kissing him before lying down again.

"I am..?"

Laughter erupted from your belly, this time you didn't hide it, letting it drag as john asked again and again.

"Go to sleep, love." You said.

You pulled the blanket over the two of you, falling into silence, waiting patiently for his soft snores. Not sleeping until he does..
You thought.

"I'll have to make you a mother then.."

John laughed as you smacked his chest playfully.

Your heart fluttered as you both giggled alone in bed together in the dark. Nights like this with John were to die for. You tried not to remind yourself of how he was going to have to go back to work soon.

"You'd be a good dad...."
You whispered.

But John was already fast asleep.
You drifted off slowly, somewhat grateful he didn't hear.

Then we'd be up all night..


Authors note:

I saw THE most depressing oneshot about drunk price and I HAD TO rewrite it.
please take this totally-not-abusive sfw chapter of drunk price because I HATED THAT ONESHOT so much :(

𝚖𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚏𝚊𝚛𝚎 II - 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now