𝙳𝚘𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚎 [𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚜] ❕

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Winding down was easier when your space was clean and the lamp lit up the room subtly. Soft music played from the stereo on the bench, you kept it low, hoping not to disturb others.

Being able to relax so early felt scary after months and months of non stop training. When the day was up and the cleaning was done, everyone vanished to their rooms, including you.

A couple knocks pulled you out of relaxation, a familiar face smiled back at you upon opening the door. He was empty handed but it didn't stop you from scanning the hall behind him.

He found your frantic state adorable, watching quietly, "Bad time?" he asked innocently.

Vance was one of the few shadows that was a little too close for comfort, each time he saw you passing by he'd inevitably stop you just to talk.

"It actually is a bad time"

An answer he expected entirely.  He rolled his eyes, unimpressed, "Every time is a bad time."

You shrugged, "I'm just tired."
And tired was an understatement.

All you wanted was to roll up into your blankets and crash out, after all you had spent plenty of time with him throughout the day.

"Maybe we can watch a movie together then?"
He suggested boldly, "We can just relax..."

The thought alone wasn't too sour. Curling up next to vance, in your warm bed. Everyone retreated to their rooms, no one else around. Dangerously, you let the idea seduce you.

"You know what?" You almost gave in.
Vance perked up at your words.

"What?" Someone interrupted.

Both of you jumped in your skin when you heard it, frightened by the figure that appeared in the hallway.

Vance turned to him, respectfully dipping his head. You did the same, following his lead.

"Back to your barrack, son" Graves spoke.

Vance looked at you over his shoulder, sharing a subtle smile before he turned to leave.

You could hear your heart thundering in your ears as his footsteps disappeared, leaving you alone with an awkward silence filling the air.

"Did I interrupt something here?"
Your commander cocked an eyebrow.

"I wasn't expecting him to turn up here, sir"

"No but that's what happened." Graves said.
"What we're y'all doing just now?"

"He said he wanted to watch a movie."
You blurted out, unable to lie.

He scoffed, "And you believed him?"

The silence was dreadful, your room felt smaller suddenly. Graves looked down at you, waiting.

"We both know what his intentions were."
He said, but you wouldn't come clean.

"To watch a movie, sir?"

It wasn't like him to peer into your relationships with others, or any shadow for that matter.

Graves closed the gap between the two of you, his hands clasped behind him. "Yeah well, no more of that."

A part of you agreed, another part hated being told what to do in this way. But just like any other day, you sucked it up.

"Yes, sir."

His two fingers lightly held your chin as you endured the close proximity. Graves sighed, his gaze fell along your face, almost admiring you.

"You'll keep your distance from now on, I'll make sure vance understands as well"

Your face burnt up within seconds, unsure of how to respond to him. He hovered near your face, his eyes on your lips.

"Yes commander." You managed to talk.

You didn't pay any mind to the way he observed from afar during the day, until now. Many conversations were cut short when he hung around just a little while longer.

'Heads up, it's graves.'  The shadows warned.

And each time you scanned the room Graves had his eyes on you, watching closely as you trained and talked with the others.

He'll have me discharged, you thought.

"What happens to me?"

Graves was delighted that you had finally spoke after some time, he smiled and explained,

"Nothing for now. You're an asset to us here, Vance too. I can't lose both of you." He said.
"But there will be consequences.."

You were hanging off his every word. A simple nod was all you could give him, far too afraid to say anything while he was so close.

"If this happens again." He finished.

Graves lifted your chin before your gaze fell, forcing you to look at him as he grinned in your face. "We clear?" He whispered.

"Yes sir."

You could finally breathe again when he slowly backed away, his hands falling to his side.

Graves shook his head at you, flashing his charming smile, "Such a good girl" He praised.

His boots against the hard floor echoed throughout the room as he left you speechless.

"Rest up now, big day tomorrow"
He closed the door behind him.

After a minute or two you realised your stereo was still playing softly. You stood dazed, not sure what to do with yourself after such an encounter.

A light vibration came from your pocket. It was a text message from vance.

'He stayed behind!?'

'Damn. okay, how bad is it?'

'He's coming here isn't he?'

He texted far too quick. Although you were alone you couldn't help but scan the room once more before typing back to his messages.

'Just be prepared.'

You sent it, unsure of what else to say to him. Graves handled everyone differently you learnt.

You tried to settle back into your couch again after turning up the music just a bit more, but your peace had been ruined entirely.



did ya knooooww the shadow named 'Vance' in the mission 'Hindsight' has the same voice actor as 'Keegan' from COD-ghosts :D

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