𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚕𝚕 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 [𝙶𝚊𝚣] ❕

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"-More heavy rain later?"

"I'm not even surprised."

A pair of neighbours strolled by along the pavement, you avoided their eyes, choosing to keep to yourself this morning.

Numerous missed calls lit up on your phone, frightening you up and out of bed.

You sat on the porch to calm yourself, a restless knee bobbed up and down nervously waiting for him to call again.

The last time you saw kyle was months ago.
You had so much to say, and a lot to ask.
Why would he get in touch after so long?

When it was time for him to slave away at work he found time to write, to call you and reassure you of his safety. Sometimes he only wanted to hear your voice for a few minutes.

This time he didn't. Kyle left without a word and never reached out, leaving you alone to wonder what you did wrong. Sometimes he had no choice but to go no contact, even then he always gave you a heads up.

In your mind you had broken up with him several times to fill the expanding void he left you in.

And yet, when he turned up to your house, you wanted to run into his arms all over again; despite the pain.

"Hey," His voice was faint, but still loud enough for you to hear as he strolled in.
Kyle stood tall, unsure of what to do with his hands.

His hair had grown out slightly. It always did when he was off on operations for a long time, it used to be your job to cut it for him before he left again.

Silence stirred as you took each other in, though he came closer you kept your distance.

Slowly, he approached the stairs,
"I tried to call you."

"I know."
You forced down the lump arising in your throat, avoiding his eyes at all costs.

"You didn't answer."

"Why did you come back?"
You ignored the small talk.

He shared a weak smile, "I'm on leave?"


"Why did you come back?"
Your tone didn't change, but he knew what you meant.

"I needed to see you" He said.

All the feelings you suppressed boiled within, waiting to resurface. His desperate eyes didn't help. There was so much he wanted to say too.

"After all this time?"

Kyle looked away, his eyebrows knitted together with guilt.

"I'm sorry." He murmured.

You thought back to the first nights without him, frantically calling whoever you could to find him.

The captain was the first person you called.

"-The sergeant is occupied. In fact he may be off the grid for long so take care now!" 

You mimicked his words that were engraved into your mind.

"John lied to me- you lied to me!"

"And you know why- this is the way of things!" Gaz defended himself.

It was then you felt hot tears escaping your eyes , the composure you promised yourself to keep was lost.

Kyle was quick, his comforting touch made you flinch. Soon you were fighting against his grasp as he desperately attempted to hold you.

'I'm here nowHe repeated.
You fought harder when you felt how gentle he tried to be despite your outburst.

"Why didn't you tell me?"
All the emotions took over, saying out loud what was buried in your mind.

Kyle tried to hold you still while you thrashed against him. "Stop it-" He grunted.

It didn't occur to you that neighbours could possibly be watching quietly, the thought wasn't enough to pull you out of your temper.

You didn't care.
Even the tears that welled in Kyle's eyes didn't snap you out of it, all you saw was red.

In an attempt to make it stop, he embraced you tightly, his lips pressed into yours. You could feel the fresh blisters on his hands as he cupped your face, the way you melted into his arms was almost involuntary.

Stillness took over, his kiss extinguished the growing rage inside, even when he pulled away.

"It was unfair to tell you back then, darling"
Kyle pushed long strands away from your eyes, his voice softened.

"Tell me what?"

"About where I was, and how I felt. It wasn't any good if I couldn't keep you safe."
He confessed.

Like water had been poured on a flame, what little anger you harboured shrivelled with his words. After so many sleepless nights, you learnt he reciprocated your love all this time.

"They told me you wouldn't come back.."

Kyle shrugged.

"Whatever they had to, just so you wouldn't come looking for me.." He said.

Kyle had taken work more seriously. Especially when he started to work closely with the captain.

He took your hands in his, watching you sink into your own thoughts.

"I wanna make things right. If you'll let me"

Your mind was ten steps ahead of you.
Everything you wanted was here now and it was overwhelming.

"Please say something." He whispered.

"What about your work? and what you do.
I can't stop thinking about the day they tell me you're gone and I can't-"

Kyle rested his temple on yours, gently hushing. 'no' he whispered.

"You don't have to think about a damn thing, sweetheart. I'm built for it, you know that."

He was sure and calm, his warm smile gave you hope that maybe you could learn to trust him wholeheartedly all over again.

"I need time." You said.

Kyles smile widened
"That's okay."

"You'll wait?"

"Like I said, darling. If you'll let me."

You gave in faster than you expected, melting into his chest as you hugged him, finally.

Now that you were in his arms he couldn't bare to let go, all his anxieties vanished as you rubbed his back softly.

"I'm sorry I left you"
He whispered over your shoulder.

You smiled, feeling warm,
"Never do it again."


AN: gaz the busy man go brrrrrr

𝚖𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚏𝚊𝚛𝚎 II - 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now