𝙸𝚜 𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎? [𝙶𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝] ❕

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The busy streets outside only grew busier each time you looked over your shoulder, staying longer wasn't an issue, the cafe was keeping you warm anyhow. Another coffee maybe?


Beside you, the sweet boy held up his grubby hands, presenting them to you like a trophy.
All his waffles had been cleaned off his plate.

"All done are we?"

He nodded proudly.
"I wash my hands now.."

You smiled, patting his light hair away from his face. Jelly stained his mouth now. That's gonna be a pain to get off, you kept thinking.

"Good boy. Be quick now."

The waiter didn't look too impressed with the mess your son had made, not only feeding himself but the table, and the floor, and his chair. You cleaned away apologetically.

With the final napkin you wiped down the table, gathering all the mess and taking as much as you could to the trash.

When you turned around, you bumped into someone else, startling you.

"Oh- I'm sorry,"

Your heart stopped when you faced a familiar man. He peered down at you with the same puzzled look, unable to speak. He looked older, but still the same.


He said quietly.

"I mean, I haven't seen you since.."

"Yeah. Its a been a long time.." you said.

Simon took you in like he used to. Observing your outfit, your hair, especially your face.
He shook his head, impressed.

"You look great, leaving the force did you good."

"You too.."
You smiled.

The pressure of being in the same room as him crushed you. Why? It's fine. Seeing him again after all these years, it was bound to happen.

You just couldn't wrap your head around the fact that today was that special day.

"Mama look! mama look!"

Your little boy came blitzing over, a white object wedged in his poorly dried hand. He cuddled to your leg, showing you what he had found.

"Face wipes?"
You asked nervously.

Your son didn't like it when you guessed things incorrectly.

"Yeah! look!"

He stood on his tiptoes now, shaking it around like you hadn't been watching the whole time.

All while this happened, Simon stood by, watching the little boy curiously. He didn't say anything, he looked in awe as you interacted with him.

All eyes were on the boy, which he picked up on quite quickly.

Your son leaned in like he was about to tell a secret, "Who's that ma?"

You stared at him with a smile,
one that didn't reach your eyes.

"This is...Simon. He's my friend.." you said.

Simon pulled his hand from his pocket before waving, still he remained silent.

"Hello sir."
Your son immediately became uninterested in the man, bored with his stale looks and lack of words. He sat back on the chair, playing with his wipes.

"He really likes to talk. He doesn't get along with people that don't, so.." you tried to explain respectfully.

"You're a mother now."
Simon watched the boy.

When he spoke all you could do was look between Simon and your son, astonished with just how identical they looked. His genes dominated this one, you thought.

"I am. I have been for 4 years now.."

Raising a child alone was tough, but you understood now why parents say they wouldn't trade their children for the world; it was all you believed now.

"4 years?"

"Is he mine?"
Simon asked casually.

The question made your blood run cold.

Yes. Look at him.
His brown yes, his light brown hair, even his nose. What do you mean is he yours? Of course he is yours, Simon.

Yet nothing came out.

"He looks like me."
He chuckled lightly.

"He does."

Your son tilted his head back dramatically, groaning with stress. It caught the attention of nearby people sitting down. Again.

He's getting bored.

The perfect excuse came to mind. "Look, we have to go now it's almost his nap time."

When you made your way back over to him you pulled on your sons jacket over his arms.
The stream of people passing by on the sidewalk wasn't getting any better, but you weren't staying here any longer.

"Come on buddy, up!"

Your son clung to you while you grabbed your things, still occupied with his wipes.

When you made it to the door, Simon stood in front of you again, a hat in his hand.

"I think you dropped this.."
He finally spoke to your son.

He was cautious until he looked at you, almost asking for permission. You only smiled back at him sweetly. He took his hat from simon and held it tight.

"Thank you sir."
he said shyly, looking away.

Your heart melted.

"No problem soldier."

Your son beamed, giggling to himself over the nickname. He clearly loved it. Simon smiled too.

It was a strange sight to see. You hadn't seen him smile in years, then again you hadn't seen him at all in years.

"Thank you, Simon."
You said.

"Don't mention it. I'll see you around? or maybe you should give me a call..."

He left the cafe swiftly before you could ask what he meant, disappearing into the public.
The interaction was enough excitement for the day, you calmed yourself subtly now that he was gone.

Your son suddenly yelled.

"Don't raise your voice inside.." you warned.

You were already so self aware of the customers that were already scolding your son.

"He drew on my hat mama," He said.

A crappy phone number written with a crappier pen covered the tag inside. You looked at the tag, then to your son; lost for words.

"I'll wash it away, love.."
You placed a kiss on his forehead.

The smile that crept on your face was involuntary, you couldn't help it.

The idea of letting Simon into your life again after so long, after keeping your son from him for so long. When you thought about it, it didn't seem impossible like it did 4 years ago.

So, when your son wasn't looking, you put the phone number into your contacts and carried on about your day.


𝚖𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚏𝚊𝚛𝚎 II - 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now