𝚈𝚎𝚜, 𝚌𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗 ‼️

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Price snuck you away from everyone, you both promised to be careful not to alert others.
You were good at keeping promises, but not this time.

The captain enjoyed watching you like this.
How your eyes rolled back as he moved quicker, or how your breath quickened when he hit your sweet spot.

Your legs pressed against the captains broad chest, his solid arm holding them in place despite his reckless thrusting. His motion made you desperate, every breath shorter than the last. Price noticed this.

A smug look crossed his face.
It was obvious he was refraining from teasing you, seeing how badly you wanted him.
The rocking of the bed became less subtle, the thin walls now mimicking the steady pace, louder, and louder.

He's so big.
You failed to hide your expressions, feeling yourself contort as he filled you up. You bit your lip, grabbing his arm for comfort.

Just take it.
You encouraged yourself.

Captain groaned into the side of your leg, suppressing his growls.
"That's a good girl..." Price whispered.

His praise delighted you, one more word from him, you swore, it would finish you right then. The arousal outweighed the pain tremendously
Price slowed down his pace, taking his time.

He separated your legs finally, gazing down at your wetness, slowly pulling himself out of you. Your legs settled on his shoulders before his sinful eyes met yours, his touch was hot.

"You wanted something..?" He teased, every word dripped with desire. Price knew exactly what you wanted, he always did. And still he wished to hear you ask for it every time.

Prices chest became slightly red and sweaty. His fingers traced along your leg as he waited patiently , the anticipation making him throb.

"Oh, c'mon now. I want it too..."

His hands became slower as they both traveled back to your knees. The captain tilted his head with a smile, waiting for the words to met his ears.

Those few seconds he lingered you allowed yourself to catch your breath, each thighs was numb from his treatment.

"Baby, talk to me..." He almost begged.

"I don't want you to stop.." You answered.
"please don't stop.."

"Yeah..." He let out a chuckle, breathless.
Price let a string of saliva leave his lips, pouring it all over you before mercilessly slamming back into you.

His moans were now in tune with yours, desperate and wanting. Your hands found his thighs , digging your nails into him as the pleasure intoxicated you.

"Hold still..." Price growled, pressing down on your stomach with a hand. His grip grew dangerously tight as he rocked his hips deeper.

"Yes, captain.."

You let your eyes roll back into your head again, being filled repetitively turned you into a gasping mess.

The moans spilling from you somehow formed into words.

A dark laugh emerged from his chest, quickly turning into a moan as his mouth hung open.
He pounded into you effortlessly now that you were a wet mess, dripping all over his erection.

Those eyes met yours again, but this time you couldn't hold it. Every word was inaudible as you spiralled into an orgasm, one of many that he promised you that night.

Price pulled his cock from you and fucked into his hand as you came. He bit his lip as he covered you in his load, the hot liquid spilled over your stomach.

You pouted.
I wanted you to fill me up.

You didn't dare say it out loud knowing your body couldn't take him any longer.

He gave your thigh a slap.
"We could do this all night, love"

𝚖𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚏𝚊𝚛𝚎 II - 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now