𝚂𝚊𝚏𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚖𝚎 [𝚁𝚞𝚍𝚢]❕

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The sky was clear, full moon gleamed as dozens of cicadas sung loudly from the shrubs, the humid forest encouraged the heat immensely.

This is nothing like what was discussed in briefing. Unpredictable missions were your forte, but not this. It was far too hot.
A stronghold hidden in the forest seemed a little different in your head compared to what you were dropped into.

All 9 of the team marched forward in a line closely behind the lead, Colonel Vargas.
Messy spruce surrounded the building, few enemy guards stood around inside, barely keeping an eye out. Outside was clear thanks to the skilled sniper watching over you.

The rescue team was tasked with retrieving a comrade, a brave but stubborn man took a mighty risk infiltrating for intel. Although you heard he gave it his all, it didn't go as planned.

We'll get him back.
You reassured yourself.

Rudy strolled your way as everyone got into position, he grabbed each side of your vest, adjusting it gently, flicking between your gear.

"You ready?"
He turned back putting his gun up, checking on you again over his shoulder.

Somehow feeling lighter now, you nodded.
"Yes sir.."

"Estar atento"

Right. Stay sharp.

The dead branches below the trees crunched as two men barged through, rushing to the entrance without a word.

Alejandro turned to the team quickly.
"In and out, yeah? Just like we planned."
Everyone agreed, crawling off to their positions quietly.

When the soldiers ahead breached the entrance without saying a word, the line pushed forward immediately, fleeing to the nearest wall for cover as gunfire unleashed with the charge.

Fucking idiots.
You swore under your breath as half the plan blew up with that door, thick dust now fogged the hallway inside.

   It's gone loud now, no turning back.

Colonel Vargas held the reigns as always, giving orders no matter what happened.

"Stick to the plan, get in there!"

Lets pray they don't call for backup.

One man positioned himself near the doorframe, you didn't hesitate to cover him, watching as the others marched in after another.

"Behind you!," You yelled.

"I got you too!"
Rudy tapped your shoulder.

With that, all three rushed in through the narrow hallway, weapons raised.
Colonel Vargas and one other had busied themselves with the first couple of enemies.

Two. You counted, flicking around the room for more. It was understood that there were up to twelve men guarding this place, expecting more wasn't a stretch.

In a line you all followed a friendly pair upstairs assuming the targets scurried up after your dramatic entrance. Another pair found a deep basement and followed each other down.

The light on your helmet barely lit the way, your comrades back almost blocking your whole view.

Most of the enemies dropped like flies as they bursted from the rooms, guns blazing. Your aim remained on point even though your comrade did most of the dirty work.

You were left uncovered as the one in front of you moved forward, double checking each room that had already been cleared.

Nobody was interested in complying, each body that appeared intended to kill, all of them defended their stronghold, utterly loyal to the bitter end. Tragic almost.

𝚖𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚏𝚊𝚛𝚎 II - 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now