𝙶𝚎𝚝 𝚘𝚞𝚝, 𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚜 ‼️

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A long shower after a tough day usually soothed you. While you dried your hair the memory of him staring at you through the foggy mirrors replayed.

How did no one else see him, you thought.

As if on cue, a knock came to your door.
You wasted no time, rushing across the room, resisting the urge to use the peephole.

"Open the door, sweetheart.
I know you're in there"

That strong familiar voice asked from
the other side.


You stood still, wondering if you should try and stop him, once again thinking back to what happened in the showers.
The grip on your towel stung your fingertips the tighter you pulled.

"Alright then-"

He welcomed himself in, ignoring your protests as he backed up against the door, locking it behind him.

"There you are...."
Graves grinned over you, looking down at your half dried body.

His eyebrows raised.

"Don't barge in here-!"

"No no, you think you can tease me
the way you did...then run and hide, hm?"

You pulled the towel further to your collarbones just as he stepped forward, his hands wrapped behind him. His body came closer making it harder to speak.
He towered over you.

"Nothing to say now?"
He searched your eyes for an answer.

No. You wanted to giggle at least. But the way he looked at you, his lips pressed together,
he wasn't laughing.

As you showered earlier you had turned to see the curtain slightly inched open, enough for a wondering Graves to see.

Instead of closing the curtain and demanding privacy like you should have, you carried on. Holding eye contact as you brought your hands down from your hair, running them down your body as he watched closely.

Not a care in the world as to where he was, just that you barely saw his smirk through the mist, making you feel exhilarated.

Whatever idea you had brewing in your head at that moment now meant nothing as he towered over you, taking in every inch of your body.

"Get out, Graves."

Was the best you could do.
He laughed, shaking his head as he looked to his feet.

An arm snuck around your back, snatching you close enough to hear his scoff. The cocky attitude dropping immediately. He looked angry. The way his eyes ravaged you would say otherwise.

"Say that again.."
He tilted his head, his nose almost touching yours.

Another smile crept on his face.
You tried not to hold your breath.

"Look at me and say, 'I want you to leave'"

You stood still in his grasp, wondering how long you'd last this time. The way your eyes avoided his told him all he needed to know.

"That's what I fucking thought."

His lips rushed to yours moving roughly as his hands moved deliberately slow around your waist. You melted into him letting your hand press into his chest as he held you tighter.

Soon you found yourself taking small steps back as Graves grew more hungry, his tongue wrapped around yours, licking your lip as he groaned.

A hand tugged at yours urging you to drop your towel, pleading eyes peered over you as he pulled away with shiny lips.

"I'll be good to you. Let me show you.."
His fingers played at the hem of your towel.

You felt vunrable standing in the middle of your home making you hesitate despite how badly you wanted him.

"It's what I deserve, after that dirty little show you put on for me..." His breathing was heavy.

"I need it, baby"

With that, you let the towel drop to your feet, throwing your hands around his shoulders to kiss him again.

Graves let his hands massage your sides moving from one place to another. His lips moved to your neck, then your chest, grazing your sensitive spot, promptly moving down your body until he was on one knee.

He looked to you for approval wrapping himself around you, kissing and waiting patiently. The sight made your breath stop.

"Please let me, baby. You know i'll make you feel so good.."

You ran your finger through his hair, feeling the heat reach your face as you took each other in.

"I know you will." You said.

Finally, two fingers slid deep inside you.
You threw your head back with a moan, focusing on your feet so you didn't fall back.

Seeing Graves on his knees between your thighs made you gasp with pleasure, you bit your lip as his eye met yours.

His eyebrows raised when he pushed into you harder, practically fucking you with his eyes.
Phillips tongue didn't rest at all working just as hard as his fingers.

"Fuck- give it to me, baby.."
His voice slurred.

Your hand intertwined with his free one before you both paused, hearing something near the door. It failed to open, causing the stranger to twist the handle.

"Hey, sorry- have you seen the commander?"

Your chest tightened with fear as you watched the handle turn. Holy fuck.

"Don't come in, i'm naked!
I don't know where he is!"

You stood petrified as Graves took his mouth off you casually watching the door, his fingers stayed inside.

"Oh! My bad- sorry again.
I guess i'll see you later?" he asked in a playful manner.

You suddenly recognised his voice.
The young shadow that had been flirting with you all week. Fuck sake.

"Yeah totally-" You cleared your throat.

You gasped as Graves withdrew his fingers, placing them in his mouth as he looked up at you, sucking your juices away.

Now what are you mad for?
You thought, watching as he slowly stood up.
He placed his wet fingers under your chin, his jaw clenched again.

"I guess i'll see you later?"
Graves repeated.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?"

You sighed, accepting the punishment you were gonna get for this one.

authors note:
wee bit long, sorrows.
i get carried away w graves lol.

𝚖𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚏𝚊𝚛𝚎 II - 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now