🤍💛lovely picnic in the farm 🩵

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they are minors btw q is like 13 and kenji is 14 this is one with no kissing or any of that

"come on come on Q!" kenji yelled excitedly, in contrast there was a very tired Q "kenji just- let me get ready i'll be down in a minute just talk to dazai or something" after they said that they went back upstairs and got ready. they were sporting a black skirt with knee high socks and a white button up. "they are alleric to milk, most fish,freshly cut grass and most importantly- oh hey Q i was just telling your partner what you can't have, now you be back by 6pm and you have fun sweetie". chuuya said patting yumeno on the shoulder. "you look nice" kenji told Q smiling and blushing. Q smiled but not in the creepy way they usually made this time it was genuine "thank you shall we get going"? "we shall, i got our food and the blanket" he offered his free hand to them, and they accepted. chuuya sighed leaning against dazai. "they grow up so fast i remember when we first dated woo im not going to cry" chuuya teared up. "don't cry my love, hey guys you have fun before your mother starts crying!". they rushed out the door laughing "hey Q what do you think about pet names"? kenji asked. "well i mean you have to call them something?" Q told confused. which made kenji giggle "no i mean like sweetie,dear,honey like that! oh my god Q ". Q giggled to themself too "yeah they seem nice i like lovebug ?" they said nicely. "ohhhh i love it i wanna call you sweetie!" kenji said sweetly. they had finnally arrived to the farm where the picnic was set up. "Q! Q! LETS GO PET THE COWS!"said a very excited kenji and Q followed (aka kenji was yanking them) they pet the cows for a bit. and they went to eat. Q had a peanut butter sandwich with brown sugar. kenji had ramen with some mushrooms! "this is really good Q" "thank you" Q muffled out with food in their mouth. when they finnished they rested on the blanket. "i love you Q i really do" Q smiled at kenji and rested back on his lap "i love you too kenji you are so lovable and nice to me!". they napped then they when back home "BYE Q SEE YOU LATER" kenji waved and Q waved back "see you soon text me!"

hello i love them sm!!!

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