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not a ship i would mark it as nsfw but ranpo in this is a child also not my of work I've been burnt out and needed to post something so credit to angelofdarkness3101 on deviantart

Fukuzawa hadn't said a word since he and Ranpo had left the shell company. After Fukuzawa had dealt with the guards, he'd been quick to get Ranpo out of there. Ranpo had been rambling the entire time about calculations and how well everything had worked out. Fukuzawa just barely held himself back from dealing with this right then and there. He walked back to his apartment with Ranpo following, seemingly unaware of Fukuzawa's clenched fists and lack of response. For someone so smart and observant, he appeared completely oblivious to the concern Fukuzawa felt as well as his anger towards Ranpo for endangering himself.

Part of him wondered why he cared. He hadn't known Ranpo long and he'd always been comfortable on his own. But he supposed there were some things that even a former assassin like himself couldn't ignore. He'd always had a soft spot for kids, though he'd deny it if asked, and, while Ranpo may be a bit too old to be considered a child or kid exactly, it was hard for Fukuzawa not to see Ranpo as a kid who needed protecting, especially after his breakdown during the play. Watching him cry had and question almost desperately why he was so different, begging for answers, completely oblivious that others weren't as intelligent as him, well, Fukuzawa could admit that it had changed something. He wanted so badly to never see Ranpo hurt again.

And then he'd done this, gone with a man he knew was dangerous to lure Fukuzawa there. He'd put himself a danger. There was a gun against his head when Fukuzawa could arrive and he was haunted by the possibility that he could've arrived too late, that Ranpo could've been shot, he could've been killed. Fukuzawa couldn't accept that. He had to do something, had to make sure Ranpo never did something like that again. Next time he might not be on time and that's something he can't risk. The only way to avoid that risk is to make sure there is no next time.

Fukuzawa had gotten home by now and Ranpo was still rambling. Finally Fukuzawa spoke for the first time since he'd saved him, "are you alright?" "Yeah, sure," Ranpo confirmed, his tone much too light for what had nearly happened. He smiled as he continued, "wow, that went better than I expected. You arrived just in time, just as I-" Ranpo was interrupted as Fukuzawa pulled him over his knee and landed the first SMACK! on his bottom. His glasses fell off and clattered to the floor as he was positioned over Fukuzawa's knee. Ranpo froze, blush spreading across his cheeks. He'd never been spanked before and he couldn't believe it was happening now. But it clearly was. SMACK! He gasped, a soft sound showing his surprise as he reached back to rub his backside, only for Fukuzawa to grab his wrist and pin it to his back, his hold firm but gentle, almost fatherly in a way.

Fukuzawa couldn't take it anymore. Hearing Ranpo's words seeing him smile as he said it, that light tone he used. Ranpo still didn't seem to understand quite how much danger he'd been in or maybe he simply didn't care Fukuzawa wasn't sure which was worse. He had to make sure this never happened again, even if a part of him hated that this would cause Ranpo pain. The pain would fade but hopefully the lesson remained. Even if Ranpo hated him after this it would be better than Ranpo being dead.


Ranpo squirmed and cried out slightly at every firm smack to his butt. Fukuzawa's body shook slightly in concern and anger but the spanking continued nonetheless. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

"screw you! To hell with your damn calculations! When I got there, there was a gun pointed right to your face!" Fukuzawa yelled, his hand not unnecessarily harsh but firm enough to emphasise his words. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

"That happened only because I knew you'd save me," Ranpo protested, sounding like he was already on the verge of tears. The spanks were firm and they did sting but, more than that, worse than that, was the thought that he'd disappointed Fukuzawa. Fukuzawa shook his head and lowered Ranpo's pants exposing his boxers and continued the spanking. SMACK!SMACK!SMACK!

"Showing off your abilities is fine." SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Under the spanks it was all too easy for Fukuzawa to assume Ranpo's gasp was from pain or surprise due to the spanking, but really it was surprise that someone had accepted his intelligence, had accepted him, and was actually praising and complimenting him, even if that same person was spanking him. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "Using your intellect against powerful enemies is good," Fukuzawa praised, though his voice and the spanking remained firm and stern. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! By this point tears were welling up in Ranpo's eyes. "But I want you to stop wagering your life on your stupid, risky gambles!" he asserted the next spanks landing on his sit spots to reinforce his point. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Ranpo gasped. He couldn't believe someone cared about him, enough to be concerned about the risks he took. He froze, staring over his shoulder, wide-eyed, at Fukuzawa. "you're still just a child, there's a lot more to learn." His voice was softer now, calmer. Slowly, with a heavy heart he pulled Ranpo's boxers down. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Ranpo couldn't help but sag at that, body giving in and accepting the spanking, relaxing into the spanking that was now more comforting to him than it was humiliating or punishing. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

"I-I'm sorry," Ranpo stuttered, tears falling down his face as he started to sob. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Fukuzawa hated seeing Ranpo cry but he knew this was necessary. He had to be certain this would never happen again. It would've been amusing, he killed people so easily, rarely feeling guilt, but spanking Ranpo and seeing him cry made him feel like a bigger monster than any murder he'd committed. Still, he had to continue, so he hardened his heart and continued to bring his hand down firmly. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he repeated it like a mantra through his tears as Fukuzawa delivered a final round of spanks. He continued to apologise even when he'd been allowed to stand up. With tears still streaming down his face, he stumbled towards Fukuzawa, pants and boxers still around his ankles, and wrapped his arms around him, hugging him tightly, trapping Fukuzawa's arms by his side in the process. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Ranpo continued to cry as he burrowed his face in Fukuzawa's chest. Fukuzawa could do little else but stand, jaw dropped in shock, unable to believe Ranpo was still hugging him and didn't hate him. "I'm sorry." Fukuzawa grunted, gritting his teeth and then sighed, resigned. He couldn't push Ranpo away.

Slowly, Fukuzawa freed his arms and wrapped them around him, returning the hug. "it's okay. It's over now. I'm not angry. I was just worried. I won't let you get hurt. And you won't put yourself in danger." As he comforted him, he started to slowly rub his butt, soothing him and easing the pain.

After a few minutes they pulled away and Fukuzawa instructed him to pull his pants and boxers up. Then he prepared him something to eat. After dinner Ranpo curled up on the futon and fell asleep.

Fukuzawa soon went to sleep himself, it had been a stressful day after all.

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