💛🖤first pride 🩵

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Paul and Arthur are married and so are chuuya and dazai They have kids but Paul and Arthur do not dazai and chuuya have: karma, Q, Aya, and 3m/o fumiya (the fanon child) but like Karma and Aya are adopted.

Paul sighed as he knocked at the door, Arthur was holding his beloved's hand. chuuya opened the door "Come in Paul come in I'm just getting the kids ready for the event". "Uncle Arthur I missed you!!!" Q yelled as they leaped into a hug. "Hey punk you almost ready to go?" he asked the child "Yes I am I just have to get my flag and makeup" Q smiled. "Do you want me to help them with their makeup, chuuya?" Arthur asked "Yes that would be very helpful" chuuya said with a sigh of relief. "Right little gremlins to the kitchen to do your makeup!" Paul announced and they all followed. Q was first "All right what flags do you use?" Paul asked Q "I am non-binary and omnisexual!" they said proudly. "alright you got it little dude" Arthur said taking them and starting the makeup. paul could clearly see Karma was nervous I mean this was his first time meeting Paul so he called on Aya and she said "Well I would say questioning but I think I'm bisexual." "Okay I think I get the idea" Paul started to work on her face. Q was all done now they talked to Arthur while they did makeup and shit. aya was done now and Arthur and Paul knew it was the shy ginger one's turn. paul pulled Arthur into the hallway "Let's just introduce ourselves before we do their makeup". "Hey buddy I'm Arthur and this is my husband, Paul, Paul is your mama's brother and you don't have to be shy I want to start out What is your name and pronouns little guy?" Arthur said softly in a polite tone karma didn't make eye contact "my- name is k-karma I use h-he/they," karma said trying not to sound nervous. Arthur and Paul smiled slightly Paul spoke up "Well it's very nice to meet you now Why don't we get your face painted okay?" Karma nodded "What flags do you use or want?" Paul asked calmly "I-I use demisexual and- and I'm a demiboy" after his face was painted chuuya wanted to take some photos of the kids and their uncles. "alright everyone say happy pride!" chuuya said. "HAPPY PRIDE" Click Aya spoke up "What do your flags mean?" Arthur smiled in joy "Well mine are the trans flag and the vincian/homosexual flag and Uncle Paul's is the vincian/homosexual flag" Aya looked at Paul and then at Arthur and shrugged "okay". "should we get going dearest?" paul looked over and he nodded. "okay let's go everyone gets in the car. see ya later chuuya" he hugged chuuya. they all hopped in the car and buckled in "Karma honey what's wrong?" Arthur asked the sad-looking teen "Nothing just that it's my first pride and I'm nervous" "You'll be fine and if you start feeling uncomfortable we will take you home okay?" "okay". they drove up to the festival and stopped in the parking lot "Okay everyone pick a partner and stay with them!" Paul said loud and clear to them. Q went with Aya but the older one was left without anyone "Come here Karma do you want to stay with us buddy?" Arthur said to Karma as they nodded and took his hand. all three walked and looked at the pride things and overall they had an amazing time Q got a couple of pins they also got Aya a shirt with pride on it.they all went home and chuuya was so proud of karma for getting out of his comfort zone.









i hope you enjoyed requests are open in dms or comments!!!

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