mission 🩶💔

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this is a repost from angelofdarkness3101 if you want me to take this down i will happily do so

TW: spanking

Akutagawa was annoyed. This was nothing too odd. In fact it would be stranger if he'd been anything other than annoyed or angry. What was slightly stranger was the annoyed Chuuya that stalked into the Port Mafia headquarters after him. After all, despite popular opinion, Chuuya could actually be fairly level-headed as long as Dazai wasn't around. And yet, here he was stalking after Akutagawa, looking like he wanted to wring someone's neck. The reason for this could only be one thing, their most recent mission.

Mori had called both Chuuya and Akutagawa into his office earlier that day and given them a joint mission to help the Armed Detective Agency with a new group of Ability users that had been causing trouble for both the Port Mafia and the Armed Detective Agency. And last anyone had heard that mission had been a success and the new Ability users wouldn't be causing problems for either party any longer. But it was clear something had happened, something that had left both Port Mafia members angry. Considering they'd been with Dazai, who never seemed to run out of ways to rile both Chuuya and Akutagawa up, this wouldn't be too odd, but the fact that Chuuya looked like he was angry at Akutagawa was.

"Akutagawa," Chuuya called out to the man when it looked like he was about to storm off to go train with Rashoumon. "A word in my office." It wasn't a request. Akutagawa momentarily snapped out of his annoyed state to glance back at Chuuya at the firm tone he used. He opened his mouthnto argue but never got the chance as Chuuya firmly grabbed his arm and lead him to his office. Akutagawa tried to free himself but Chuuya was simply stronger than him. Plus he didn't have a choice anyway, Chuuya was an Executive, he had to have whatever discussion Chuuya wanted whether he wanted to or not.

When they got to Chuuya's office, Chuuya let go of Akutagawa's arm and closed the door, gesturing for Akutagawa to sit down. With how annoyed Chuuya was, Akutagawa thought it best to follow the instruction. After all, Chuuya was one of the few people Akutagawa truly respected and was one of his bosses. And he didn't look like he was in the mood to argue.

"You wanna explain to me what that was and what you were thinking?" Chuuya demanded, his face stern. This was the Chuuya that had become an Executive not long after Dazai and was one of the youngest Executives in history. Akutagawa knew what he was talking about and he didn't want to explain, wasn't even sure he could. He knew he'd messed up. Everything had been going fine, according to plan. And then Akutagawa had wanted to prove himself to Dazai. He hadn't even thought when he'd thrown himself into the battle and let Rashoumon loose. He knew he was powerful and thought the Ability users weaker than him, and he was almost right. But he hadn't known one of the Ability users could manipulate and control shadows. They'd nearly managed to trap him, and would've done so if it wasn't for Dazai nullifying the Ability. Akutagawa had been shocked at first, then he'd just been angry at himself, for being reckless, for not paying enough attention, for needing to be saved by Dazai. He knew his explanation wouldn't be good enough so he simply stayed quiet and glared at Chuuya, refusing to answer.

"Fine, I was there, anyway, I can figure out myself why that happened. The why isn't all that important. The fact that it nearly happened at all, that you nearly fell into their trap, is the bigger problem here. How many times have you had this conversation about being less reckless?!" He demanded. Once more Akutagawa refused to answer. "Too many times, Akutagawa. And even worse since you saw Dazai again. You know, I've tried to be the mentor who helps, who tries to care for you and get you to care about yourself and it isn't working. Maybe it's time for a different approach. Maybe it's time for me to be more like Dazai and give you what you clearly need." As he spoke his words became a growl and he got up and stalked towards him. Akutagwa's heart was pounding as Chuuya approached. His fight or flight instinct was kicking in and he'd never been one to run.

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