after mission💔 🩶

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credit: angelofdarkness3101 on DeviantArt (i promise i will post og shit again dw)

You'd think that after everything, with Fyodor and the Decay of Angels being dealt with, things would calm down in Yokohama. Unfortunately that didn't happen. Sure they'd had a couple weeks where there were no immediate threats but for the Armed Detective Agency and Port Mafia, that meant catching up on work after the hectic few months they'd had and for everyone else it meant dealing with the aftermath of Fukuchi and the Decay of Angels' plan. And now, this. A new group of Ability users from the UK called The Illusionists. Yes, all of them but one had Abilities related to Illusions, and yes there had been judgment based on the name, mocking comments about creativity, but, regardless of the name, they were proving to be quite the nuisance. They'd managed to kill quite a few low level Port Mafia members and had recently shown signs of targeting the Armed Detective Agency. What was worse was that they had someone with a nullifying Ability. It wasn't as strong or effective of Dazai's but it was enough to cause a problem.

It was ultimately decided that the last thing Yokohama needed right now was another massive wasr between Ability users, so Mori had reached out to Fukuzawa and requested for Dazai to work with Chuuya once more and dispose of the threat before it got too large. Dazai had agreed but only if Atsushi and Akutagawa came too. This would be a great opportunity for them to work together without the fate of Yokohama being at stake. He considered bringing Kyouka too but she'd been paired up for a job with Kenji. Involving information gathering.

That brings us to now, Chuuya, Akutagawa, Dazai and Atsushi were at The Illusinists' hideout, Dazai had already goaded Chuuya and taunted Akutagawa, and Akutagawa and Atsushi had exchanged insults and now it was game time. Dazai had given the plan, Atsushi and Akutagawa infiltrating the base and attacking, pushing them out, whare Dazai and Chuuya would be waiting for them. It was a simple plan, but one that meant Atsushi and Akutagawa would have to work together. Both had attempted to protest, but it had fallen on death ears.

Somehow, even with a simple plan, something had gone wrong. After leaving their respective mentors, Atsushi and Akutagawa had started arguing, and it had drawn the attention of The Illusionists. That had been fine, they'd pulled themselves together enough to attack, but they'd lost the element of surprise they might've had. They managed to drive the Ability Users out of their hideout, and then they'd started arguing again about the plan. It had been a split second where Akutagawa lost focus, but that was enough for Nullifier to get close enough to touch him. At least they would've, if it wasn't for the bullet thet embedded itself in their hand followed by another shot to their stomach. Akutagawa looked, wide-eyed at his saviour, Dazai. He couldn't decide if he was thankful, annoyed or embarrassed at being saved by Dazai. Quickly Akutagawa refocused but he could see Chuuya frowning at him from the corner of his eye. Great, just great, now he'd have to talk about this with Chuuya once they got back to the Port Mafia building.

At least that's what he thought, until they'd taken out The Illusionists. Chuuya didn't waste a second before he turned towards Akutagawa and stormed towards him. "What the fuck was that, huh?!" Chuuya demanded, scowling. Akutagawa stopped himself from backing away, he couldn't show such weakness in front of Dazai and the weretiger, but it was a near thing. It wasn't that he was afraid of Chuuya, not really, he knew the man would never take things too far, it was just a reflex. There were very few people who would mess with an angry Chuuya. Unfortunately one of those few people was here.

"Oooh- Akutagawa's in trouble" Dazai chimed childishly, voice coming out in a sing-song tone. Chuuya glared back at him, and he held his hands up as if in surrender but the amused look never left his face. Akutagawa, on the other hand, barely held back a gulp. It was true and he knew it. Worst of all he knew what his most likely punishment, but surely he wouldn't do that here? In front of the weretiger and Dazai? Not that it would be a new sight for Dazai. Hell, in the past it had been Dazai's knee he was over. But in front of the weretiger? No, he couldn't let that happen. He schooled his face into its usual angry expression and buried the nervousness bubbling up in his stomach.

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