🖤🤍family reunion💔

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requested by Aliceasher333. The theory is Atsushi and Natsume are related and after S5 they are all celebrating their victory between the Port Mafia and Armed Detective Agency. and Atsushi sees a familiar face from his childhood.

Akutagawa and Atsushi were celebrating with the rest of their co-workers, higher-ups, and all-around close people. "jinko who is that dude who keeps staring at you?" aku asked glancing at Natsume. Atsushi froze and just hid behind Akutagawa's coat. "please aku please take me somewhere else" Atsushi pleaded "Fine fine jinko just get up we can go to the break room alright? it's gonna be okay I promise" Akutagawa reassured bringing him to the port mafia break room. Atsushi started hyperventilating "Who was that jinko? Is that someone who's hurt you?" aku said with an angry expression on his face "Well yes and no that man, Natsume is related to me he's the reason I was given cruel treatment at the orphanage... and- sob and-" aku stopped the colorless haired boy from talking he pulled him into his chest and pet his hair. "it's okay let's go confront him you can do this you hate him right?" aku asked and Atsushi nodded "I'll go do it but- hiccup please be there," Atsushi said looking up at him with tear-stained cheeks and a determined look in his eyes. "of course Atsushi I will gladly and if it gets too heated I will be there to activate Rashomon I promise". they stepped into the bathroom and practiced what he would say. "okay atsushi what are you going to say?" aku asked one more time "natsume you are no longer my parent leave me be you have no idea how long I've wanted to tell you this FUCK YOU!" atsushi covered his mouth "I'm sorry was that too loud or too harsh?" "no no it was perfect now get out there and get him tiger". aku pushed him towards the party following right behind him. "natsume." atsushi said coming up behind him "yes my boy?" natsume said smiling at him opening his arms for a hug. "NO! the day you left me at that awful place where I was abused and traumatized was the day you no longer were my family you may be blood but you gave that up! two words for you. fuck. you!" atsushi yelled closing his eyes making a pool of tears. "atsushi let me make it up to you I never wanted to leave you but I had to-" natsume tried to explain before akutagawa stepped in "no you left him to almost die he was a child a fucking baby! all he ever wanted was a loving parent! that's not what he got he got a abuser alright you stay the fuck away from my boyfriend you do not touch him and guess what he doesn't owe you shit!" akutagawa told him holding atsushi's hand firmly. after that akutagawa and atsushi kept their distance and such from him. when the night was over they went back to aku's apartment.












i hope you enjoyed sorry it was short but I liked making this ^^ requests are always open dw!

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