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little Fyodor (2-4)

cg Nikolai 

TW food and mental breakdown

Nikolai was walking into the apartment Fyodor lives in "Dos-kun!!! I was told to 'check on you' by Vanya (Ivan) so I'm here now" shouted a very excited Nikolai knocking on every door when he got to Fyodor it was locked, instead of looking to see what's wrong he hit obnoxiously loud frighting a regressed Fyodor behind that door. Fyodor crawled to the door wrote on a piece of paper and slid it under the door it read "pls do not go in here" scribbled in crayon. Nikolai read it and used his ability to open the door, what he saw was a crying Russian boy covering his face. "о ні, це не може бути добре" Nikolai spoke under his breath in Ukrainian. the Russian boy was now hyperventilating yelping out no in Russian " нет нет нет нет!" Nikolai had no idea what to do but he knew he needed to act fast so he just acted he hugged him, rubbing his back lovingly "Hey dos-kun- I mean Fyodor what's wrong? Are you hurt?" he asked. Fyodor shook his head still bawling. to be completely honest Nikolai had never seen Fyodor so upset let alone cry so he did not know how to help when he saw his mouth with a decorated paci in his mouth

"Honey is this what you were freaking about? I'm not upset it's a coping thing I realize that Sigma does it sometimes so I understand you are safe. yes, you are! yes, you are!" Fyodor smiled he looked up at Kolya and smiled. Nikolai loved Fyodor and that's all that mattered he was willing to learn about his age regression "Dada?" Fyodor muttered. Kolya smiled "You want me to be your dada? Honey, I'd love to now yes or no have you eaten today?" he thought for a sec and nodded just after that his tummy growled. Nikolai looked down at him giving the 'Oh honey...' look "Yeah let's go to the store and get you some food" he got a coat on the little than himself. they walked to the store they walked through the aisles until they saw alphabet soup and some mini pretzels and they bought them and left. when they got home the ate and nikolai sung him to sleep.








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