🤎🧡welcome home🩵

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chuuya and dazai are T4T and chuuya had a baby. and they are bringing him home. since I am almost 9 months preggos and going to have mine soon ^^

Verlaine woke the exhausted boy. "hey sweetie your husband is here to see you okay? are you feeling alright?" Paul asked holding his hand. "yeah I'm fine just tired just let dazai in". dazai was let in by Paul "Hi honey how are you feeling I missed you I'm sorry I couldn't be in the room to see my little fumiya be brought into this world". he nealed down to kiss his hand touching the IV in his hand gently. "fumiya is over there honey why don't you say hi to him he's sleeping" dazai walked over to Paul holding the newborn. "here be gentle and support his head as this" paul showed him how to hold fumiya. "hi there fumiya welcome to the world I'll be your papa forever" fumiya smiled at dazai and dazai began to tear up. he turned to chuuya and said "You made such a beautiful boy Chuuya Nakahara"  "We not just me we make this beautiful boy" chuuya giggled tiredly to himself. chuuya scorched over a bit so dazai could sit with him. dazai gave fumiya back to Paul and sat with chuuya then Paul gave him back to the couple. "I love you Chuuya Nakahara you are such a gift to be around" dazai praised while holding his hand "I love you too Dazai Osamu thank you for giving me this gift I am eternally grateful" chuuya replied. fumiya opened his little eyes they were a baby blue color but more vibrant than chuuya's. "he has his mama's eyes and nose we'll just have to wait to find out if he'll have his mama's anger" chuuya pouted "he will not! but yeah let's see if he does."chuuya and dazai giggled. "he has his papa's hair color and his smile lets see if he'll have his father's giant fucking sneezes at 2 in the morning!" chuuya smiled and side-eyed dazai and dazai scoffed "well- whatever so mean chibi". dazai, chuuya, and fumiya all got ready to be discharged. chuuya got fumiya in the car in his baby car seat and started the car for dazai. chuuya made sure everything was prepared fumiya had his pacifier, fumiya was buckled correctly, and he wasn't crying and such. dazai opened the door for chuuya "Oh uh no thank you I'm gonna sit in the back with fumiya in case he cries. but thank you honey" Chuuya kissed Dazai's cheek. dazai started driving making sure to be very gentle. once they arrived home chuuya settled him in his cradle in the living room "Honey you go rest I'll take care of fumiya I promise." dazai asked chuuya hearing him sigh a breath of relief. "thank you so so much dazai I'll see you in a bit" and once again kissed him on his cheek. chuuya laid down on the bed listening to some soothing music knowing dazai would be alright. And Chuuya was right, instead of watching TV or playing video games he stayed next to the baby and made sure he got formula every 2 hours, keeping him warm and most importantly singing to him. when chuuya woke up 4 hours later he was pleasantly surprised to see dazai rocking him in his arms. chuuya was so proud of their family.










thank you I hope you enjoyed so yippie requests are open. (psst I'm working on something shin soukoku dw dw)

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