💜🖤no one will know❤

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okay, so spoilers for episode 11 season 5 of bsd um turn away if you haven't seen it. 

So Fyodor is dead (in the anime) and we basically see Nikolai cradle his arm (sorrowful scene but like for Nikolai Idk how to feel about Fyodor) after it was ripped off Fyodor and given to Nikolai. so I got a request from alicasher333 to give Fyodor a reborn kind of thing but he's 15. and his partner (Nikolai) finds him.

"the hell was that all a dream? did I pass out? All I remember is being in a helicopter and then we crashed and then I was surrounded with fire." Fyodor thought to himself looking at one of his arms and seeing it was missing but he also noticed "This isn't my body. This is all so confusing where Is my arm why do I not look like myself I look like a child". he looked around him he was lying in the middle of an empty street it was nighttime. then he spotted a somber-looking clown with a familiar face. he stood up and started walking towards him bumping into him "Sorry kid I must've bumped into you. Wait you look like someone I used to know he was the love of my life but sadly he passed away just a couple of hours ago." Nikolai vented "but oh your just a boy you don't need to hear of adult problems kid." Nikolai shamed himself so doing so. "Nikolai?" Fyodor asked in a Russian accent everyone knew. "hey you sound exactly like him do- do you know Fyodor Dostoevsky?" Nikolai asked really confused and worried. "well- I'm- g-d you not gonna believe me if I tell you" he laughed to himself nervously. "I will if you tell me don't worry" Nikolai assured. "well I know I might look different but I am Fyodor I even remember dying if you need proof" Fyodor smiled nervously "I- i- I just don't know what to say you can't be! give me the proof! now!" Nikolai said angrily. "well I remember thinking I killed dazai and chuuya, I remember going to a helicopter then being pierced by a huge thing then we went off flying, we crashed and a fire happened, then I woke up like this and then I saw you I don't have an arm and I am confused". Nikolai's eyes softened "oh feyda come here I just want to hug you" he opened his arms hugging his cold body. "I'm so sorry Kolya I'm so sorry" Fyodor cried into his shoulder. "no dos it's my fault I wanted to get rid of you I didn't want you I wanted justice and to help others you always told me I was stubborn and selfish I just wanted to help" nikolai sobbed into his hair.  "I'm gonna take you home don't worry we can set our past aside we'll give you a new name and id we can start over I promise" nikolai promised fyodor. he took him by the hand and drove them both home. "you will be safe here lets brainstorm some ideas for names okay? what about Boris? it suits you" Nikolai asked Fyodor and he just nodded "Da da it sounds good what should be the last name I was thinking Popov. Boris Popov?" "I LOVE IT!!! BORIS POPOV IT IS!" Nikolai said excitedly. "let's get you to a mirror" Nikolai walked Fyodor over to the bathroom. Fyodor saw a teenage boy with medium-length hair and purple eyes he was short with eyebags and pale skin he did look like himself and did sound the same as Nikolai told him. "wow I do look the same don't I?" Fyodor asked looking up at Nikolai "yes, yes you do feyda or shall I say Borya (Russian diminutive)" Nikolai giggled to himself in a high tone. "we should cut your hair just to be safe-" Nikolai suggested before finishing Fyodor said "NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! MY HAIR NOT NIKOLAI'S HAIR!" fyodor grabbed his hair turning away from Nikolai. "okay okay we don't have to cut your hair we can get colored contacts or some makeup and we can make you look not like yourself okay? you get to bed and I will be there to tuck you in since I have to be your guardian for the time being since you are a teen". "I am not I am a grown man" Fyodor argued "Yeah yeah get ready for bed you will be sleeping on the pull-out mattress or in my bed your choice" Nikolai bargained. fyodor rolled his eyes and took the bed. about a week later the ADA did a house check to make sure Nikolai wasn't doing sketchy shit. "hey borya the armed detective agency will be coming by this afternoon let me get you ready". Now Fyodor had a more oval face shape with a red shirt and overall shorts with brown contacts and they stuffed his hair into a blond wig. "you look great do you remember when you were dressed as a cop and you hid your accent? could you try and do that?" Nikolai asked finishing the final touches. "Da I think I can ahem. like this?" he asked doing the voice. "yes exactly you don't have to talk much okay?" with that there was a knock at the door Nikolai opened the door to see Kunikida and Asushi standing there. "good morning gentleman come on in! would you like some tea? water? anything at all?" Nikolai asked inviting the two in "No we're good who is that in the hallway over there?" Kunikida asked pointing to Fyodor "Oh I'm Nikolai's assistant Boris I'm actually an ophan he found and now I work for him" Fyodor said with a sweet smile hoping it looked innocent. "well alright um be safe sir. now let us have a look around your apartment" Kunikida responded. Asushi walked up to Fyodor "Hi there mister I'm Atsushi don't worry I understand how it feels to be an orphan I was too until the armed detective agency took me in" he smiled at him. "yes yes thank you I'll be heading to my room I don't like human connection very much thank you so much for introducing yourself Mr. Atsushi" Fyodor went back to his and Nikolai's room. after the ADA stopped poking around they left. "god that was exhausting" fyodor complained. "I know right well I'm glad we are both fine haha" Nikolai laughed to himself.









I'm done gn everyone requests are always opennnnn!!!! I'm working on a poll so if you want you can go to my tumblr weeby-monster-the-bastard

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