💚🤎soft words 🩷

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okay, so this is not a ship at all. This is ranpo and Fukuzawa My HC is Fukuzawa adopted ranpo when he was 18 so that's his dad


it was a bad day for ranpo he was having a mentally overstimulating day but he carried on. he was also forgetting to eat or drink which wasn't like him. he also was isolating himself as much as possible but saying as he was at work it was impossible. dazai touched his shoulder and ranpo lashed out "Do not fucking touch me!" he hit dazai in the nose causing him to bleed.  ranpo put his hands over his mouth it had just hit him what happened tears poured from the boy's emerald eyes (I forgot to mention his eyes were open) he ran to the washroom sobbing. "hey wait" Kunikida tried to grab his shirt yosano blocked his hand "stop I will talk to him you leave him". ranpo sat on the bathroom floor with his knees to his chest bawling he felt himself slip into his headspace he was mentally 2-3 and he had none of his age regression stuff. "he is having an autism meltdown You tend to dazai I will take care of it if you so as touch a single hair on his head I will chop you to pieces" yosano shouted at Kunikida she ran to the washroom. she spotted the scared boy crying on the floor she crouched down and spoke softly. "hey ranpo its okay buddie want me to go get fukuzawa?" "papa?" the boy looked up hearing his father's name. "yes buddie papa are you regressed honey bunch?" he nodded. "I thought so I'll go get Papa and he will take care of you" he nodded again. her heels echoed through the room as the door closed she walked to Fukuzawa's office door. knock knock knock. "Yes come in yosano" She walked in and closed the door behind her "What is it you need yosano? You never come here."  "Well ranpo had an autistic meltdown and he regressed he hit dazai in the nose and then he rushed to the bathroom and- and" she was panicking  "I couldn't do anything to help" she cried. "take a seat here's some tissues now tell me from the start what happened okay?" she sat and began "so ranpo wasn't being himself he hasn't eaten or anything. dazai touched his arm ranpo yelled and punched him in the nose causing him to get a bloody nose after he realized he started crying he went to the bathroom and I'm not sure when he regressed but he is non-verbal and I couldn't help him but I told him I'd tell you" she explained. "thank you miss akiko you are dismissed" she left when she went to her desk he went to the bathroom. "ranpo are you in here buddy? oh buddy come here Shh Papa's got you." ranpo cried into the taller man's chest "Let's get you home little one Papa will make you food and you can sit on the couch while I do some work okay?" ranpo opened his mouth to speak "otay papa (okay papa)" he held his hand while walking out "everyone ranpo isn't feeling well so Kunikida you are in charge while I'm gone!" he announced he waddled out with fukuzawa and he was put in the backseat of the car "ranpo here this is your pacifier and your stuffed animal." ranpo's stuffie was named Poe and it was a red and pink raccoon his paci had a little lamb on it with honey on it he decorated it himself. they drove home "papa?" ranpo asked he looked in the car mirror "yes buddy whats up?". ranpo rubbed his eyes "i in trouble fo hitting daz-daz? (am i in trouble for hitting dazai?)" he looked back at him "no buddy it was his fault anyway okay buddy?". they pulled into the parking lot an fukuzawa opened the car door for ranpo and held his hand as they walked up the stairs. they reached the door and he opened it for him. "buddy how about you go get papa's computer and then you put on a cartoon while i cook alright" fukuzawa smiled and ruffled the boy's hair causing him to smile. "otay papa i go get it can watch car bars? (okay papa i will go get it can we watch care bears?)" ranpo asked "yes of coarse bud" fukuzawa said softly. ranpo retrieved the computer for his papa"here go papa! wat making? (here you go papa! what are you making?)" "i'm making mac n cheese yosano told me its a comfort food when you have meltdowns" ranpo smiled and nodded hugging his stuffie tightly "why dont you go put on your cartoons buddy". ranpo rushed to the couch and turned on the tv to the care bears movie (my fav is the 2nd one in 1986). fukuzawa sat next to his little guy mesmerized by the movie "here ya go bud careful its hot. papa is going to work on something alright you just enjoy your movie and if you need anything let me know." "thank you papa" he ate while watching the movie. he slowly drifted off to dreamland while watching the movie a hour passed and fukuzawa noticed. he got a blanket and covered him he pulled his head into his lap and kept working he kept humming tunes to him while he was fast asleep.










i hope you enjoyed it took two days to finnish but idc request if you want

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