🤎🧡 A night for love 🩵

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sorry about the removing emojis Wattpad glitched so fucking badly TT but I am back I do HC them as T4T ftm but rn I don't wanna write it also I am back from my tangent of the ep ^^

Chuuya had a very stressful job and worked late hours. Today was super long he had just come back after a mission. dazai knew he was having a mentally draining week so he called his husband's brother, Paul to take the kids for the night. chuuya came home Finally it was around 10 pm "Baby I'm home" he called out and dazai pulled him into a big hug "Hey honey how was work today" dazai saw the shorter boy frown "I was tired and I was stressed The whole day" chuuya sighed "well I drew you a hot bath for us okay I knew you were having a hard week only getting a couple of hours of sleep with taking care of the kids and all so paul has them for the night and we can enjoy time together so why don't you get in the bath and I'll get in just a sec". chuuya smiled and went to the bathroom to get in after 5 minutes dazai came in the bath. "I love your hair chuuya it is so pretty and healthy and it's so soft" dazai praised as he shampooed Chuuya's hair gently massaging it into his scalp. chuuya was leaning on dazai enjoying his hair being touched it felt nice he felt very very loved. dazai poured some warm water over his hair washing it out thourly he moved on to conditioner "Nice and clean now let's make it softer if that's even possible saying how soft it is" he coated the smaller boy's ginger hair in the strawberry scented conditioner scrubbing it in. "dazai why are you being so nice to me? I mean I am useless and you mainly take care of the kids on top of your work I am not even there when you have mental breakdowns I am a shitty husband" the boy started tearing up. dazai hugged him "You do so much I know you don't know it but you cook you help me clean you play with the kids you give me love and kisses and I really do not care if you are present during my meltdowns it's my war to fight and lastly why I'm being so nice is because kouyou told me you were having stress induced panic attacks and I wanted to lift some weight off your shoulders baby you deserve this". dazai washed out the rest of his hair. "thank you for helping with this" chuuya said smiling at dazai taking his hand and getting out of the bath "of course you deserve this. I got some stuff and I thought since a bath is helpful a massage might also be helpful so let's hop to it why don't you lay down on the bed in our room and I will put on some soothing music and I'll destress that poor tired body sweetie okay?". chuuya smiled "okay." he laid down shirtless on the bed giving all trust to dazai as he was just wearing underwear. dazai put on some soothing spa-type music while getting some massage oil scented like dozens of lavender and rose petals slowly rubbing some of it into his lower back and then into his upper-back/shoulder area massaging it in breaking any tension in the muscles making chuuya feel nice and safe and loved. he kissed his shoulders he then moved on to his spine then his lower back massaging it nicely making chuuya moan with gratitude "Thank you dazai this feels sooo good" chuuya smiled "You deserve this". after all his body had no tension in his muscles chuuya got dressed all the way and hugged dazai "Thank you so much I feel better" chuuya thanked over and again "I love you chuuya why don't we watch something you really like!" chuuya's eyes sparkled "A DOG'S LIFE?!- oh but don't you hate that movie because you hate do-" dazai put his finger over his lover's mouth "shhh shhh shhhhhh. this isn't about me it's about you now do you or do you not want to watch a dog's life?" chuuya looked down then up and nodded. "splendid now i will make dinner really quickly you go find the movie on a streaming service baby." chuuya ran off happily while dazai started dinner it was some ongiri and some sides, one of chuuya's favorites. chuuya started the movie and sat on the couch with his husband and snuggling and eating. chuuya fell asleep after a while and dazai did too. with a couple of blankets smothering there bodies and a tv playing romcoms  the couple was fast asleep.









request are opennnnnnn also sorry again about the thing ^^

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