🤍💛fights and cuddles💔

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TW m*ri and self-harm, ED, and suicide

Q was sitting in the men's restroom crying because they were called into Mori's office about them getting in trouble all the pressure all the expectations they were tired of it. they were tired of being misgendered and pushed around all of it was brought to their head. they were done. they would have used their "vile" ability to their advantage if that wasn't their boss. Mori had always told them how much he hated them and how much they were a burden. they took a razor blade and started cutting up their arms and thighs fortunately for them Kenji was looking for them. you see our boy Kenji comes and hangs out with yumeno when it's his break. When he entered the boy's restroom his blood ran cold. Kenji was only going in there to use the restroom so he could find his partner but it seemed like he already found them. "Baby baby! come here come here. I've got you I've got you" Kenji pulled Q onto his lap kissing their forehead. "I'm sorry I'm really really sorry I tried Kenji I really really did" Q sobbed out with their eyes closed facing Kenji "It's okay honey bug I know you tried and I'm very proud of you for trying  I love you but right now lets get you called out of work and we can take you home I just have to go tell your dads and my mom and Maddy okay? I love you" Kenji told the crying darling in his lap. he helped them to their feet "there ya go baby nice and steady. you got it?" kenji asked. they nodded and followed him. kenji went up to his mom and maddy "mama yumeno needs off work they are-" higuchi stoped him "yes yes don't worry come on gin we have to go do that" gin followed her. "you ready to go tell your parents or you need a minute?" kenji asked them rubbing his thumb over their palms "I need a minute" Q said sniffling "okay baby you let me know when you are ready ill stay with you until you are ready baby". kenji sat with Q for a couple minutes comforting them. "kenji I'm ready" yumeno said to him sighing and holding his hand. "alright lets go baby". when they arrived to chuuya's office kenji knocked. "yes come in!" chuuya yelled when he saw his child he ran to them "hi honey oh shit come here honey". he put his hand over his mouth relising why they were here. "you guys are here because they self harmed again I'm guessing? well thank you kenji" chuuya calmed himself taking them in his arms. after he bandaged them up and got them asleep he gave them back to kenji "you go take them home they need rest give them as much love as you can they'll need it" chuuya handed them to kenji still asleep. "thank you sir I will take good care of them I promise will you be texting dazai sir?" kenji asked chuuya turning his head. "yeah I will don't worry" chuuya assured. kenji left the building with Q in his arms he walked them both home (soukoku home). he used the key that was in Q's pocket and unlocked the door walking inside and setting them on a sofa. good thing in the bag he had he had a spare shirt that was oversized. he got ready in the bathroom then went out to the sofa. when he went out he saw the smaller partner trying to sit up. "hey I'm gonna cuddle you" kenji told them "YES PLEASE" they said excitedly. after situatiting and getting comfortable Q was laying on top of kenji resting their head on his chest.











hi everyone I just saw the newest ep s5 ep 11!!!!!!!!!

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