🤍💜🖤my baby 💔🩷

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TW ED, self-harm, food, and, fighting and impure regression. sigma has an eating disorder and Nikolai and Fyodor try to fix it/ try to help. this is poly decay. genderfluid sigma (he/she/they)

Sigma was sitting on the couch he was so hungry but didn't want to gain weight so they starved until Nikolai heard her stomach growl. "Hey Sigma are you hungry? I'm going to the kitchen" Nikolai asked and Sigma shook his head. "sigma when was the last time you ate, baby?" sigma hesitated for a moment "Um-". Fyodor walked into the room pissed off and heard what Sigma and Nikolai were talking about. "eat, sigma I'm not going to ask again" Fyodor said before putting his cold hand on her shoulder. Nikolai kneeled in front of them "I need to know the true date you ate last it's really worrying me". sigma's eyes were filled to the brim with tears as he hesitated again. "2 days ago I was drinking just water..." sigma admitted tears falling from her eyes. Fyodor's grip got tighter "Sigma go eat or else" Fyodor threatened. sigma shook their head "I- I- I can't I can't it pains me and you aren't forcing me either!" sigma shouted at Fyodor. Fyodor went from being pissed to being angry. he pulled him by the hair off the couch "This is not negotiable You are eating and that's final I don't know why you like pushing my buttons?!" Fyodor yelled at him.

quickly Nikolai stepped in making Fyodor let go of Sigma's hair. "yeah well it's not my fault! I'm trying to recover but I'm not ready yet! and you aren't helping you make me want to starve myself for longer I feel unloved!" sigma yelled back tears staining her face as they poured from their eyes. Fyodor yelled again "Well maybe you should stop acting like a fucking child!" Fyodor regretted his words as Sigma ran away. Fyodor tried to run after him but Nikolai stopped him "No you caused quite enough with your shit". Nikolai heard the cries and sniffles of Sigma. sigma locked herself in the bathroom with their switchblade. he cut himself and cried as she tried her hardest not to regress they felt like they didn't deserve to. "Honey pie I'm going to come in" Nikolai spoke softly to him in front of the door but before Sigma could say "NO-" Nikolai opened the door. nikolai was shocked and heartbroken but tried to keep calm he didn't want to freak them out too. "oh honey... no... no... come here, darling let's try cuddles instead of cuts" Nikolai opened his arms for her "I'M SORRY NIKOLAI I'M SORRY I'M SOR-" sigma cried into his arms. "no its alright come here I know I know it hurts I know. are you regressed honey?" sigma nodded still crying while bleeding from his arms. Nikolai kissed his forehead "Oh.. my baby..." Nikolai cried into her shoulder. after calming down Nikolai bandaged the wounds on their arms. "how about you stay on the bed and suck on your paci while I talk to Papa so Mama will be right back I swear!" Nikolai set his baby on their own bed and went to go talk to Fyodor. "fyodor... he cut himself... then she regressed..." Fyodor looked up at Nikolai with tear-stained cheeks "is he okay? I'm really honestly sorry I said that and yelled" fyodor hugged Nikolai. "you really really hurt them... don't apologize to me apologize to him" Nikolai pointed to her room. sigma freaked the fuck out when they saw Fyodor "Hey hey hey he's okay he's just saying he's sorry". Nikolai calmed him down enough to look at Fyodor. "I'm so so sorry for how I treated you this morning I let my anger take hold of me and made me make bad choices. I really do love you" Fyodor apologized to Sigma. sigma looked back up at Nikolai and Nikolai just nodded his head at her. sigma just nodded "I- for-give you" Sigma spoke in broken-up words from needing to be nonverbal during this time. "may I come lay down with you and Mama, dorogoy? (sweetheart in Russian)". sigma nodded once more and moved over to make room for Fyodor to sit. Fyodor lay lightly beside him, curling up into her slightly and taking their hand. "I love you both so much you mean everything to me you are my world" Fyodor praised them both. an hour flew by and Sigma was resting. Fyodor spoke up "Should we feed him you were pretty worried about her eating?" Fyodor continued running his hands through their hair softly. Nikolai got up "Yeah I'll prepare a bottle for him". Nikolai headed towards the kitchen and reached up in the cabinet to grab a bottle. the bottle had a small cow on it sigma really liked cows. Nikolai felt sad she had been struggling with an eating disorder for a month now it wasn't fair that he didn't get to struggle but they did. Nikolai wanted to break down more than anything right at that moment but he had to be there for his little and his darling and stay strong. Nikolai poured milk into the bottle and mixed it with some stuff for his health and nutrients to get all the stuff she needed. Nikolai then put it in the microwave and heated it up. after he was done he felt the bottle with the back of his hand determining the right temp for his little one, he headed upstairs to see Fyodor reading quietly to him and Sigma sleeping peacefully in Fyodor's arms. nikolai rested his hand on the little one's face. "hey goobie can you wake up of a bottle its nice and warm" Nikolai pet her face and they woke up. he drank contently from the bottle while fyodor pet her head and nikolai held the bottle up.








hey ya'll sorry I've been gone i am dealing with a lot I had twins the same day I got broken up with I've been trying to get back with them they just got out of a mental hospital and life has been a mess for me my HS has flared up all that so I'm back requests are open again just idk but i hope you enjoyed this story i intend to post more but haven't been feeling alright to do so. but thank you for reading requests are back open ^^

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