🤎🤍thunder storms🩵

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as I know jouno can use his other senses I headcanon him with a service animal so deal with that, please.

Jouno has always been scared of thunder, lightning even rain. he had a great Dane named Ōkina on'nanoko (which translates to big girl in Japanese). Ōkina on'nanoko was a good girl she guided jouno through the house since he was more prone to running into things since Tecchou lived in a cramped apartment. on this day Tecchou was cleaning, and jouno needed to grab something so he held on to the dog harness guiding him to their bedroom he struggled to reach what he was looking for while he was on his tippy toes when a burst of a loud sound ... thunder. the white-haired boy stopped dead in his tracks he fell backward, Ōkina on'nanoko was there to catch him there. when tecchou heard him fall he rush over to his side petting his hair "Hey jouno is this because of the rain? Huh? Speak to me darling I can't help if you stay silent". tecchou realized the thunder was troubling him "It's gonna be alright do you want my headphones?" jouno nodded and his partner retrieved them. "there you go jounie I'm going to pick you up and lay you on the couch okay?" jouno nodded "okay but be gentle please I'm very sensitive at the moment" jouno was never ashamed of showing emotion yes he had pride still. jouno allowed himself to be picked up by his partner "I wish the rain would stop it gives me PTSD" jouno complained into the taller boy's shoulder "I know you do and I'm sorry you do" he told as he set him on the couch sitting right next to him "hey I did have a question don't take this the wrong way hun but um- why do you keep your eyes shut? LIKE I KNOW YOUR BLIND but uh- I was wondering if you are offended I'll shut up" jouno rested his head on tecchou's shoulder "because I'm light sensitive and bright lights mess with my eyes and makes them hurt but don't worry I can navigate you know this". another loud BOOM and jouno buried himself in his boyfriend's chest holding on to him tightly, tecchou held on to him as the rain was hitting harder and harder on the glass of the windows. "it's...so...loud!!" jouno said covering his ears with the headphones once more. tecchou rubbed his back softly he connected the headphones to his phone and played soft piano. jouno, soothed by the music rested and calmed down after he calmed down, tecchou wrapped a blanket around both of them and snuggled him. "tecchou?" jouno looked up (chaotic giggle idk what other word I could use) tecchou looked at him "yeah?" "I love you...your heart is beating over 100 bpm are you alright darling?" jouno asked smirking knowing why. "y-yeah I'm fine I love you too" jouno touched his face "you are burning up" tecchou got closer to his face "can I kiss you?" jouno nodded at tecchou's question. their lips met they kisses for a short 20 seconds. the rest of the day was snuggling and talking and just so much love.









i hope you enjoyed this request in my dms or in comments!!!

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