His Story

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On the outside of the now destroyed city, many Heroes and civilians were gathered together to evacuate the area. As many groups were evacuating, there was still some people staying back to see if others have one of the people who is staying behind was Aizawa who has been waiting for his students to come back. While waiting, Present Mic walked over to him and stood on Aizawa's left side.

~Present Mic~

"Hey Shouta, I think you should have vacuum it with the others. We have some injuries that need to be looked at after all. And don't worry, I'll stay here and get your students."


"I appreciate that you're just trying to look out after me. But I can't just leave my students. They're my responsibility and I should be the one to see them come back."

~Present Mic~

"If you're saying that then there's no way convincing you to evac with the others. So I'll just stay."


"Thank you, Hizashi."

~Present Mic~

"Anytime buddy."

As a few minutes passed by, Aizawa soon saw his students in the horizon which made him smile. But while looking at them, his smile soon disappeared, as he noticed that they were looking down to the ground. Seeing that he knew something went wrong. So he ran over towards them as quickly as possible, leaving Present Mic behind. Once he reach them, his eyes widened as his jaw dropped from what he saw. Standing right in front of the students was Bakugo who is holding Deku deceased body.


"Bakugou what happened?"


"Izuku... Didn't make it."

Hearing this, Aizawa felt his own heart sunk down. Afterwards he lowered his head and clenched his fist.


"Take him to the paramedics, they'll handle him from here on out."


"Yes sir."

Given these orders, Bakugou and everyone else began walking past Aizawa, as they then took Deku's body to the paramedics. Once they walked past Aizawa, he suddenly began shedding tears, knowing that he failed his duties as a teacher.


"Damn it."

With class 1A walking through the crowd with Deku's deceased body in Bakugou's arms, many people began looking at them and were quite sad to sees a young kid who has lost his life today. Once they reached the paramedic, Bakugou laid Deku's body on a gurney which the paramedics then picked up and began loading him into the truck, which they than drove off with him inside. After seeing the truck go, Bakugou turn to face the others.


"Come on guys, let's go help some of these people get out of here."

Hearing Bakugou say this, the others agreed knowing that their mourning wouldn't help anyone at in this situation. So as they all walked away, Uraraka was still facing where the truck drove off to. While looking towards that direction she felt too emotions, which were sadness and anger.


"Himiko Toga, I swear if we see each other again. Then I'll make sure to advance Deku."


After leaving the shack, Toga, Dabi, Mr. Compress and Spinner found an abandoned car which they then took to the hideout. Once they arrived they enter the hideout and saw and saw all the other villains who joined them, celebrating for what they did today. Seeing them they ignored the villains as a begin walking past them. But while walking past Shigaraki soon presented himself on a stage making the crowd of villains cheer for him and the other stop to look over at him.

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