We Are Still Here

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As Toga was face to face with All For One, she felt completely paralyzed from the fear she was surrounded by.

~All For One~

"Himiko Toga. Who would have known that you would be the one to stop my successor. Color me impressed."

After saying that, All For One noticed that Toga was quite frightened of him.

~All For One~

"There's no need to be afraid, little one. A matter of fact you should be thrilled."



~All For One~

"Yes. For I have a proposal for you. Come with me and be my new successor."



~All For One~

"If you accept my proposal, then you will obtain anything your heart desires."


"Anything my heart desires?"

~All For One~

"That is correct. Not only that, but you'll also be the strongest person in the world. So what do you say? Be my successor in this world and everything on it will be yours for the taking."

From hearing All For One's word, Toga looked down at her closed hand which she opened half ways to see Shigaraki in the marble.


"I bet you made the same proposal to Tomus too. It's so easy for you to replace the one person who believed and trusted you."

With saying this, Toga raises head up and looking directly back up All For One, who she begins to not fear.


"So my answer to your proposal is no."

~All For One~

"(Sigh) Very well. If you do not wish to be my new successor then I'll just have to take back my old one."

Immediately after hearing All For One say this, Toga quickly got into a defensive stance.


"If you try taking Tomura, then I'll kill you."

~All For One~

"Haha, then you must be on a rush to die."

As All For One begin to extend out his left hand towards Toga, she immediately began charging up one for all. But suddenly All For One was then shot by an explosion directly at his head, making them stagger back. From seeing that happen, Toga look over her shoulder and saw Bakugou who was the one who shot that explosion, standing Poseidon where all the other students of class 1A.


"If you want to get to her then you'll have to go through us!"

~Class 1A~


As the smoke around All For One's head began to blow away he soon reached out to Toga again while her head was turned. But before he could lay a single finger on her he was then shot with another explosion along with a stream of electricity. From this happening, Toga quickly looked back at All For One as he was being shocked from electricity coursing through him.


"Toga! Get out of there!"

Hearing Uraraka yell this out to her, Toga immediately turned around and began running towards the students of Class 1A. But as she did so, All For One wasn't wasn't going to let her just get away. So he absorbs electricity into his body and begins to lift himself only a few inches from the ground as he then begin flying right after her. Seeing that All For One was coming straight towards Toga, the students who had ranged quirks stepped up and got in a row with a merely begin shooting everything they had. As so many projectiles flew straight towards All For One, he was able to dodge a few but was still hit by them. But even after getting hit by the projector he was still able to push right through as he begins to get closer to Toga. Seeing that the projectiles didn't stop him or even slow him down, Iida suddenly used Recipro Burst to boost to speed as he ran he ran past Toga and straight to All For One. Once Iida got close enough, he jumped up into the air and pulled his left leg back way then lost it straight towards All For One's head. But right when his kick was about to land, All For One suddenly grab hold of it, where he then squeezed down and snapped his leg, which caused him to scream out. After that, All For One then through Iida towards Toga, but instead of him hitting her, he then flew right over Toga's head and straight to the others who then crashed into. From seeing Iida and some of the others get hurt, Toga couldn't help but to get angry. So while running, Toga slightly jumped and spun around as she then extended out her right arm and pulled back from middle finger which began to glow. And with just a single flick a large ball of compressed air hits All For One and launches him back. But it also launches Toga back as well since this was the first time she put so much energy behind her finger. While flying back she was then caught by Uraraka. From her doing this slow down the momentum as they then landed on to the ground. As the two were on the ground, Uraraka looked at Toga.

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